Barack Obama claimed the march on Selma resulted in his conception

Just one problem with that. Obama was 3 years old when the march took place.

Yet Ben Carson is a liar

Had anyone else told such a lie, their political career would be over.
Not only is it a lie, but one of the stupidest lies I have ever seen a politician tell.

Even Snopes had to perform gymnastics to address it just to try and retain any credibility.

Yeah, the media really vetted this lying sack of shit back in 2008.

And this is why I don't like the SOB. He lies through his teeth constantly, rarely if ever is held accountable by the media and insults the intelligence of those that see through him.

And I am always perplexed at some libs that still think he is worthy of defending.
Hillary was named after Sir Edmund Hillary (no relation to Sir Mix Alot), the first American to set foot on the moon, and needless to say, a got damn American treasure.
so are you saying carson's political career is now over - as he told more lies than obama?

No he hasn't. And The Politico retracted and edited the headline and content of the story.

Do you have any proof that he lied?.

Unless Obama has a time machine, the video I linked is proof that he is a liar.

No he hasn't. And The Politico retracted and edited the headline and content of the story.

Do you have any proof that he lied?.


he has told lies which he has been unable to prove true about his youth
trying to stab a kid, throwing a rock a a kid, beating another one up,

everyone at the school said he was a studious kid - which would be what we would be expecting from a future brain surgeon

what about the pyramids - do most egyptologists think they were grain stores - is that a lie or idiocy ?

and in the popeyes establishment story - go rob the server, sure

very believable ...

etc etc

Hillary was named after Sir Edmund Hillary (no relation to Sir Mix Alot), the first American to set foot on the moon, and needless to say, a got damn American treasure.

Except Edmund Hillary was a Kiwi. But I get your point.

Wasn't it proven that Chelsea wasn't in NYC during the 9/11 attacks as Hillary claimed?

And why aren't any presidential candidates' high school and college transcripts released within 30 days of announcing their candidacy?

Let's compare Carson's to Obama's.
he has told lies which he has been unable to prove true about his youth
trying to stab a kid, throwing a rock a a kid, beating another one up,

everyone at the school said he was a studious kid - which would be what we would be expecting from a future brain surgeon

what about the pyramids - do most egyptologists think they were grain stores - is that a lie or idiocy ?

and in the popeyes establishment story - go rob the server, sure

very believable ...

etc etc


You ought to have a facepalm as a signature line.
There are plenty of things that happened during youth that you can't prove happened.

Especially, since the camera of that era was a super 8 video camera. I doubt Carson's mom had one handy.

When I was 13 or 14 I took a bad hop in a baseball game that hit me in the throat. It was a bad scene and I was coughing up shit. Thought it was pieces of my Adam's Apple. I doubt I can find anyone that remembers it.

So basically your position is that you believe Carson is lying but you can't prove it .

That must be very frustrating for you.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You ought to have a facepalm as a signature line.
There are plenty of things that happened during youth that you can't prove happened.

Especially, since the camera of that era was a super 8 video camera. I doubt Carson's mom had one handy.

When I was 13 or 14 I took a bad hop in a baseball game that hit me in the throat. It was a bad scene and I was coughing up shit. Thought it was pieces of my Adam's Apple. I doubt I can find anyone that remembers it.

So basically your position is that you believe Carson is lying but you can't prove it .

That must be very frustrating for you.

Those last two sentences perfectly sums up politics in America, just replace Carson with the appropriate subject of personal political derision/opposition/hatred and bam, we have our current left/right dynamic. frustration, anger, and personal cranial follicle arson.
Those last two sentences perfectly sums up politics in America, just replace Carson with the appropriate subject of personal political derision/opposition/hatred and bam, we have our current left/right dynamic. frustration, anger, and personal cranial follicle arson.

You are one of the few liberals on this board that understand conservatives' opposition to Obama. It is pretty much the same way you felt during GWB's tenure. I think we need to lighten things up and put a Trump in office. The more I think about it, he's like one of those grab bags at the store. Just buy it and let's see what we get. Could turn out good or bad for either side.
i'm talking about lack of evidence for carson's stories from books and public utterances

in the case of

no police evidence, for Popeyes robbery

contrary evidence from people he was at school with, for "carson used to be thug" hypothesis

general westmoreland being in a different city on the day carson's book said they met

pyramids were built by joseph - unless we don't think this is a lie, rather an example of incredible ignorance of the facts

what are problems with obama's stories, when he said he was doing stuff - do people deny he was getting stoned in that car, he took coke or that he was a (socialist;)) community organiser?
I think we should be able to see any presidential candidate's college transcripts. There is no reasonable explanation as to why we haven't seen Obama's except that there is something incriminating during his application process.

Maybe there is nothing to it and it certainly won't affect his presidency. But we should have access to the information.

And as someone whose insurance premiums were 3600 dollars a year in 2010 that are now 8300, " if you like your policy you can keep it" is another reason not to trust him.

As for the Pyramids, I visited Egypt with my family when I was younger. I always understood they were constructed to honor the Pharoahs. I climbed the stairwells of Cheops. There were various chambers as I remember. I saw King Tut's artifacts before they sent them on tour.

I know that the chambers lead to tombs. I have no idea if they could be used for storage.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You are one of the few liberals on this board that understand conservatives' opposition to Obama. It is pretty much the same way you felt during GWB's tenure. I think we need to lighten things up and put a Trump in office. The more I think about it, he's like one of those grab bags at the store. Just buy it and let's see what we get. Could turn out good or bad for either side.

I'm open to most of the current GOP candidates, and I've tried to avoid the mud cycle being spewed by the lefty pundits. If Trump stays true to his current rhetoric he could be the President Ross Perot campaigned to be. I can absolutely relate to why Conservatives have such a disdain for Obama and I would be remiss to try to dismiss how you guys feel and at this point I think it's gotten to where a Republican needs to win the White House to restore some balance. I just hope that if that happens whoever it is can find a way to be President for everyone, not just the people who carried the day for them.
I think we should be able to see any presidential candidate's college transcripts. There is no reasonable explanation as to why we haven't seen Obama's except that there is something incriminating during his application process.

Maybe there is nothing to it and it certainly won't affect his presidency. But we should have access to the information.


As for the Pyramids, I visited Egypt with my family when I was younger. I always understood they were constructed to honor the Pharoahs. I climbed the stairwells of Cheops. There were various chambers as I remember. I saw King Tut's artifacts before they sent them on tour.

I know that the chambers lead to tombs. I have no idea if they could be used for storage.


where are obama's statements which are directly in conflict with police and military records though?


are we now to believe N.C.'s number one attorney believes the pyramids were built during a different period and for a different purpose to what the "liberal, mainstream" archaeological / historical consensus says?

If Trump stays true to his current rhetoric he could be the President Ross Perot campaigned to be.

but he would be more overtly racist than perot was, no?

where are obama's statements which are directly in conflict with police and military records though?


are we now to believe N.C.'s number one attorney believes the pyramids were built during a different period and for a different purpose to what the "liberal, mainstream" archaeological / historical consensus says?

but he would be more overtly racist than perot was, no?

The Huffington Post says that that particular Popeye's restaurant has so many reports on file that they can't make heads or tails of them.

If Carson is lying, he is brilliant and calculating because no one can prove he is lying.

Where did I say the Pyramids were utilized for anything other than what historians claim?
Honoring Pharoahs is hardly a controversial interpretation. A massive structure used as a tomb could be considered a great honor. When did I give a conflicting opinion about when they were built? Archaeology is not in my wheelhouse.
Fair enough. The Pyramids are just an enigma to me. Carson speculating on their existence and purpose is just silly. I was more fascinated with the Sphinx at the time anyway.
it's 2015, Russia and China are flexing their muscles and challenging and/or replacing U.S. hegemony in the middle east and the western pacific. ISIS are being murderous assholes, Iran is about to go nuclear, palestinian arab grandmas and children are going all psychopathic killer and knifing Israelis at random and getting shot and killed in the process (silver lining), but we're talking about grain storage in ancient fucking egypt.

There's plenty to go after Ben Carson especially when it comes to his foreign policy, but this is just stupid.

Rubio 2016.
now you're a Rubio guy?

He's on my short list but we'll have to see.

Rubio or Bush. My preference is for a former executive, but Bush doesn't look so good. And Rubio being on the intelligence committee, he knows his shit.

I'll vote for any one of the GOP nominees and wholeheartedly over Hillary.