Aversion towards Extreme porn

Many so-called experts will tell you that a regular consumer of pornography will need more extreme and perverted forms of porn as time goes on. They present countless examples of porn where naked women voluntarily get abused and humiliated while having sex on camera as cases in point. I, however, a long time fan of erotic arts, have been lately feeling gravitated more and more towards vanilla variety of hardcore porn. Spitting choking or any hint of woman not enjoying the experience or tolerance of abuse for money turns me off.

Am I alone in this regard? Do you agree with "experts"? What have been your experience?


Closed Account
There are some aspects of very particular extreme porn I find enjoyable, when I understand that everyone involved is comfortable prior. The fantasy they act out afterwards I have no issue with BUT I understand the turn off issue at seeing a woman uncomfortable.

I don't think my porn in take has gotten more extreme with time, rather I think the myriad of ways I consume porn has changed, from just looking at pictures on the net to now where I have used yahoo chat occasionally. Different to everyone I guess.


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I have both experienced the movement of my taste towards some rougher scenes - while still far away from clear simulated or actual rape, etc, and had begun to read articles about this phenomenon. Which made me reconsider, as you did.

I now feel rather unattracted by too rough scenes, while still enjoying it if there is sometimes a little edginess
I want more humor-porn.

You gotta look at some classic porn then. I agree that humor and porn make a great combination. Ron Jeremy, in classic movies, could make you laugh while having sex with full force.