Automatic links to Freeones database

I know there was a thread about this when it started. And the mods were asking what we think about these automatic links to the database created when a name written in the forum is listed in the database. But I can't find it.

At the time I tought it was a pretty good idea but now I realize that it creates a lot of confusion.:confused:

I read new discussions about the two girls IDed as Megan Cole and I found out that my previous posts that were giving explanations on how to make the difference don't make sense any more.

Right now if I want to talk about Megan Cole, aka Dita... the forum will automatically create a link to the database to a girl listed as Megan Cole.

But it is not the girl I am talking about. It is Megan Cole aka Noemie, Jessica Angel, etc.

So trying to explain the difference between the 2 girls now becomes almost impossible because these links show the contrary of what we are saying.:crash:

And this situation is far from being rare, girls often use the same names.

So members give good IDs but the links given by the forum are wrong ! I saw older threads where girls were correctly IDed but now the links created by the forum show a different girl (with the same name) than the one they were talking about. In clear, a good ID became a wrong ID !

I don't know if there is a way to solve this, but an important part of this forum is to ID girls. So this is quite annoying and surely not very serious. Most people go from one forum to the other when they look for girls and I read pretty bad comments about this.:wave:
hey Bunker,

When you put the babe name between NOBABE tags the system will not link the babes name to its babepage on


Jenna Jameson

[NOBABE]Jenna Jameson[/NOBABE]

Seems to work :)