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Attention trolls!


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
This is how it's done.

Thread 1:
Has :georges: Georges :georges: posted here since this event transpired?
It may just be time to P :sex: A :beer: R :blowjob: T :vodkazvictim: A :sex: Y :beer: !

It is just a matter of time when the slap on the wrist will come back

Make it a slap on the arse; I be'd a bad boi! ;)

It is rather gona be a good beating that will wait those who are ass kissing hollande ass

First you claim that I'd polish Obama's shoes, then tell me I'm laying when I tell you I'd rather ask him some searching questions, then you seem to group me in with those who'd kiss Hollande's arse, when I can honestly say I know little about the guy or his politics as I don't pay attention to things over there in arrogant land :frenchman

It seems to me that you're divorced from reality and either a screaming madman or a petulant child.
Judging by the way you're drooling at the prospect of the return of the days when you can abuse your power like the kind of scary little kids who'd attach firework to cats, I'd say the latter.
Tell me, when you were little, did you look up your the skirts of your sister's dollies?

You know a man, a real man, one with balls, conviction and rational thinking skills, would argue against me rationally and prove his point.
We've seen LirkingTranny do it in this year's POTW thread. He said that I wasn't handling the thread well enough and that he'd take it over.
Unable to convincingly argue otherwise or run POTW as well as o even better than him, I was left with no real choice but to agree and let it happen.
You don't do that. Is it because you can't? Is it because all you have is your mod powers?

You have shown through the years what are your true political colors. In the thread about Hollande's victory, you have showed your joy that this douche was elected. The Hollande Voters are mostly clueless students, but also limp wrists/social welfare cases unwilling to work people who are immigrants (coming from some very specific and well known countries) who have been leeching social security, free healthcare and appartments since decades as well as civil servants who are unwilling and unable to work in a competitive environment.

Like I said in another thread I am not divorced from the reality but you are. Petulant, yes but I am not afraid to say and describe things as they are. I call a parasite a parasite. I never attached firework to cats but I am sure you did based on your insanity. I have no sisters, so wrong assumption again.

And you think you have balls and rationnal thinking????:facepalm: You have been proven wrong many times, so don't even get me started about your rationnality. My mod powers have absolutely nothing to do with the subject. It is your way of selling and making a big fucking deal of socialism being the resolution to everybody's problem which is tiresome and completely desillusional. We will never agree but so be it

Yes, I showed joy, because I heard that he would be good for France. Since then I have had little time to keep track of 3rd world - sorry, French politics.Sounds like somebody has a chip on his shoulder... is it that you never got to go to Uni? Didn't pass the tests? Weren't smart enough? But now you're labelling those who did pass the tests and are ergo smarter than you clueless. Typical georges logic. Stop a moment and think; you produce so much bullshit that you have your own smiley :georges: What does that say about you?I bet you're limp wristed and weak. It would explain your love of firearms; they would level the playing field between you and real men.You know, I think criticism of those in power could be one area where we could agree...You are and you've shown it many timeselaborateyou don't have a clue how things are.Is that the best you can do? Take my barb and throw it right back at me? You know the other thread where you denied being pathetic, but claimed I was? Well being unable to produce your own barb proves your pathetic and re-using mine shows that you're more pathetic than meI know that I have and you haven't.I have the balls and integrity to admit when I'm wrong. You don't.You're completely irrational
It's like you don't pay attention; I never say it will be the solution to everybody's problems, I say that it will be better than the current system.
We agree on some things. But you don't realise because you're divorced from reality; you don't pay attention to what I say, you just stamp me with a label and then believe that label to be correct. Exactly how you behave with the rest of the world.
Delusional and ignorant. Classic georges.

I have Bachelor Degree in Sales Management as well as Cambridge Diploma in Micro and Macro economics, I got these with the highest marks at the exams. On the other hand, I don't know if you finished school or got a diploma.
If you passed the tests as you claim it, you won't be reacting and thinking like this. Unfortunately, the worst pupils and the biggest dunces/bullies are the ones who are politically on the left side and this can't be denied. I have my own smiley, is that posing a problem for you? I am far to be a limp wrist and weak but with people of your type I am unforgiving, I generally won't hesitate to go an eye for an eye. So every person who likes firearms is limp wristed according to you? Go tell that in front of the face of a gun owner and we will see who is one who will be laughing the last. Your sarcasm and jokes reveal a lot about you. The system you want so bad is shit and is promised to failure. I won't stop lambasting you with socialism/leftism. With people who are respectful of me I am respectful with them but with people who are trying to play games, it isn't going to make it. You know nothing about me, so get your facts straight before talking.

Yes I am trolling you.
And your lapping it up.
So pathetically easy, aren't you boy?

Probably the last time I owned that cunt ;)

Ha, look, no response, I've beaten him.
Pathetically easy.

georges, you've been trolled ;)

Thread 2:
Who says I like him? Sure he's better than bush, but so is slowly pushing a toddler through a fine wire mesh. Feet first.

Juts look at the riots in Sweden are you happy with this? It is just a matter of time, till the socialist governments of Finland, Norway and Denmark and the left wing parties won't get reelected and won't be the political leaders. All of these countries have serious problems with some immigrants that get more and more important.

- - - Updated - - -

Stop lying, if he asked you to wax his shoes, you would have done it.

You're right.
You're always right.
You know how much respect I have for authority, after all :georges:

You have clearly shown your true colors like most socialists leftists. I don't think that I need to add something else


You do know that you're a joke, right?

You are the one who is a fucking joke since you are posting here with all your socialist communist bullshit, so spare me your leftist useless whining and get a thicker skin. Use your brain next time before posting fucking dingbat

Hilarious, just hilarious.
Firstly, that Socialist/Communist bullshit? So much better than the current system. Just look at the massive and inherant failures of the current system (what did I say in my earlier post about you being divorced from reality?).
Secondly, thicker skin? I'm not the one throwing insults around. Could it be that you're throwing them around because you're so thin-skinned that i touched a nerve?
What would happen if I called you "fucking dingbat?" You'd have the excuse you need and ban me, that's what.
Even in a competition where the scales are balanced in your favour, you remain unable to win.
Hilariously pathetic.

You are the one who is defending a system where everything is based on the equal distribution of misery. You hate the rich and those who succeed. Sorry but not everyone is born equal and has the same willingness to succeed. Some are going to sacrifice all what they have in order to have better jobs as well as get a better social position in their life whereas others will never bust their asses off and will only wait or just live off of leeching other people's revenues. I am not divorced from the reality but you are. If you think that living in China or Russia with the system they have is a good thing then you are wrong as usual.
I am not thin skinned but you are the one who neg repped me like a whiny crybaby where you wrote me that comment:"Enough!:mad: Learn first, then comment! :facepalm:" So it is you who are thin skinned because you can't bear a single criticism pointing of how bad is socialism. Even in a competition, I always manage to be better than my competitors and smash them down, I use all the necessary means to win. The one who is pathetic here is you, before commenting on someone, make sure you know personnally who you are dealing with

The equal distribution of misery is the de facto equal distribution of happiness, far better than 1% of the people being rich and content while 99% are miserableENOUGH OF YOUR BULLSHIT!
Stop telling me what I do, what I hate and how I feel. You don't know jack shit, you're delusional.The thing is, the ones you think are succeeding on their own merits are in fact succeeding on the merits of others, parasitising them. You're just too ignorant and stupid to realise it.
Again, telling me what I think.
Get this; I have lived in Russia and in many ways it is actually better than the U.K., which means that, unlike you, I actually know what I'm talking about.
Since you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about I demand that you stop spouting your fucking bullshit all over the forum.
Also, telling me how I feel about lie in China and Russia again.
Never tell anybody what they feel; because you don't know.
You don't know muchBeing thin-skinned is one of many character flaws you've displayed here on FOYou, calling someone else a crybaby? Hilarious! Mr "Just you wait 'til I'm allowed to ban you..."It wasn't a single criticism, it was all the ill-informed, incorrect nad ignorant BS you continually post.
You're better than nobody and I'm so much better than you that you're not fit to clean my toilet. I'm so much better than you that you're not even a competitor to me.
I don't know what competition you're talking about, since you regularily get pwned in forum debates.
As for pathetic? It's possible that I am. But if I'm pathetic, stop a minute and think about what that makes you.

I'm on a level so much higher than yours that you couldn't read "suck it, bitch" if I wrote it on the bottom of my shoe.
Now kindly shut the fuck up.

As I said before, you love the parasites. So you cut the crap already and you beat it I won't stop telling what you do or how you feel and what you hate, I take no orders from you, who are just a simpleton. I know more than you do and unlike you, I am not brainwashed by the socialist propaganda. People who have succeeded are the ones who bust their asses off that is all I know and they aren't like you. You are the one who is ignorant.
You are not even a real Russian and even though you lived in the Russia of the soviets or in Gorby's or Eltsin's Russia, it doesn't make you more knowledgeable than anyone else regarding how is the situation in Russia. Besides the apparatchicks of the communist regime and the former members of the KGB (now GRU) who are the richest people, all the other people are poor and starving. The middle class is barely existing in Russia. I have more clue than you about what happens in China and in Russia, so you won't dictate me what to say or not. We all know in favor of which regimes you are rolling since the beginning. I am far to be thin skinned but you on the other hand can't stand criticism of your beloved failed political system.
If you were so much better than me, you would have proved it since a long time, but fact is that you aren't. All what you have done since the beginning is trolling and you try to pass yourself for someone clever when you are just a fucking uneducated simpleton. I don't get pwned, sorry for you but you often are.
Don't even tell me to shut the fuck up, you are not even in the position to. So you beat it and make your self quiet immediately.

I couldn't give less of a shit.And yet I can speak and write in 3 languages and 3 different alphabets as I've proven in pictoral posts on here while you persistantly fail to post in correctly typed English, despite it being an extremely popular language (more so than French) and closely related to French, therefore very easy You don't know shit No, you're brainwashed by right wing propaganda. Do you think the right wing will ever care for you? You know they won't. The Socialists would though; they care for people.Really? 'cos I'm now quite happily self-employed running my own business, so once again, you're full of fucking shit A laughable claim coming from you. Especially in light of what I've just posted. So what? Did I ever claim to be? You just made a meaningless claim. If only that was out of the ordinary for you, yet it is not. I never lived in Soviet Russia, I lived in the Russian Federation in 2008. But you just decided on the facts and went ahead and typed. What further proof do I need that you're divorced from reality, that you make your own reality up and choose to believe it? None, although we know that you will provide more. So, you mean, my living in Russia doesn't make me more knowledgeable about Russia than you whose never been there? Well, in that case I know more about Metz and Normandy than you. Why don't you show me how this is different to Capitalism? I could tell you so much, but I won't because you won't listen. They're under attack in the West too. Hence the phrase "the squeezed middle" You shitting me? You don't even know what's going on in Europe! I sincerely doubt you know what's going on in France and I'm 100% certain I know more about Russia than you. Pansy sez wot? Shit, I'm sorry if I posted facts. I'll just sit here and wait for you to do the same. I wonder what I could do to pass the time...
grow a beard... cure cancer... build a house on my own... I already have. Not all. I disagree
No, you beat it and make yourself quiet immediately

Just give up child, you can't win :thefinger

Ha, look, no response, I've beaten him.
Pathetically easy.

georges, you've been trolled ;)

I now permit somebody, preferably a mod, to open a thread crowning me not only the king of cunts, but the titan of trolls.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
It's amazing that the troll that lives in denial of his trolldom was the first to respond.