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Attaching Pics Mid Thread

Since people seemed to have lapsed when it comes to following certain board rules. Heres a fresh reminder of the one Im seeing ignored more often than any other.

Picture Posting Rules

Just because you found the picture somewhere on the internet doesn't mean that you can legally post it! Please respect our rules in regards to posting copyrighted content on our board!

If you are starting a new thread:

You may attach () a photo in your post. This is the only time you may use the attachment feature unless you are an ACO or OCSM.
Include the URL where you found the photo if at all possible (this may be difficult with photos you're trying ID that have been sitting on your PC for ages).

If you are posting in an existing thread:

You shouldn't use the attach photo feature. Instead, use an image hosting service that allows adult content and insert the image into the thread using the button. Click here for image hosting ideas.
It's preferred that you post images as thumbnails instead of the full image. Most image hosting services have this as a feature.
Don't hotlink to an image. This means that you're linking to an image from a site that isn't an image hosting service. Hotlinking is considered bandwidth theft.
If you're posting a single picture from a sample gallery, the URL must accompany the photo. All other photos must be public domain or free for use by the public.
Don't post images excessively (i.e. every post you make doesn't need to have an image in it). This isn't a picture posting forum and an image should be used to add value to your post, not to post pictures just to be annoying to other members.
Please try to resize your images before posting them. Other members may not have fast internet like you have and a huge image, even if it's hosted on an image hosting site, will take ages to load up on mobile phones and slower connections!
All images must follow the General Board Rules.

Save us the time and headaches deleting your pics because they don't belong.

(And please, don't be a smart ass and attach pics in this thread.)


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Methinks somebody recently got the FO team in hot water by attaching a pic mid-thread...

...I wonder if the assorted mods are still so annoyed that I'll get banned just for posting this here... :hammer:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
(And please, don't be a smart ass and attach pics in this thread.)

I'm probably going to get in trouble for this but what the hell:

tf2 108.jpg