

I believe that horoscopes and such are a load of BS. I also believe that seers and future predictors are BS too.

I have known too many people that do indeed match their birthsigns to write it completely off. I have a friend, an educated woman, who has planned both of her pregnancies around the birthsigns... I also do not need to believe in this stuff - it just more often than not has been a pretty reliable guide to personalities.

It gets a little more complex than being a Sagitarius or a Gemini, the rising sign is apparently important too. Lastly, I have found that couples I have know who work out and do not, are also well (or mis-) matched astrologically.

What do you think?
What most people don't realize is that because of the wobble the Earth's axis slowly makes over time (it stays at the same degree of tilt but revolves around a circle in the sky. So if you lived long enough you would see the axis start to move away from the North Star) the constellations in the sky are about one off from where they were thousands of years ago. So if you look in the night sky near your birthday at the right time (I think midnight but I am not sure) your sign should be the next one over. I bet most people that believe in their horoscopes never even think about this.

Most of the time things like this come form seeing what you want to see. It is easy to look over and not notice the multitude of things that don’t make sense, but when something abut astrology matches your personality you are a lot more inclined to notice it.
I think they're sometimes entertaining to read, horoscopes, but they're fiction. You can read any one horoscope entry and something in it for that day will apply to you. "Today you are concerned about money, and you'll experience an attraction to someone." I mean, come on!!! lol We all worry about $$$ and we all have sexual attractions or romantic inclinations for SOMEONE - it could be a stranger or it could be our significant other. lol


Closed Account
I think the horoscopes and seers and all that is BS. But the Mayans built a 28,000 year calender to map the Galaxy's rotation, and discovered what D-rack was talking about. The moons gravity affects the entire ocean. Our weather is the interaction of the atmosphere with the sun. Celestial events at the center of the galaxy put out as much energy in a moment than our sun will it's entire life. All those things and more tell me that our universes does have a profound effect on us, I just think the interpretation is off.
I think a lot of horscopes are accurate. However this is because they are so vague. By making them so vague it allows them to accurately get more than one perso correct in a mass produced magazine. I do not believe in them but I can undeerstand why people wanting some sort of guidance can turn to them.
The only horoscopes I read are the ones on The Onion.

I'm an amateur astronomer, amateur scientist and a professional engineer. I love to rain of people's parade when they ask me what my sign is. I enjoy explaining to people that astrology is not a science. To be a science it must provide falsifiable predictions which astrology does not. Sure astrology makes predictions, but as jumbo pointed out, they are so fague as to be un-falsifiable. Astrological predictions are no better than chance.

Also, D-rock, I believe your star sign is supposed to be the constelletion that the Sun is in on your birthday.

Good page on how stupid astrology is:


Retired Moderator
I think they are a great opening line... "what's your sign" :D

I don't believe that our future is told in the starts, rather that our future is determined by what we do here and in the now.
4G63 said:
and discovered what D-rack was talking about.

:1orglaugh D-rack
That's a good one. I will have to remember that for later.

amstrad said:
Also, D-rock, I believe your star sign is supposed to be the constelletion that the Sun is in on your birthday.

I wasn't too sure. I'm not too big of an expert on astrology. Although that does make more sense now that you mention it. :dunno:
I don't use them as a guidance or anything, but sometimes just to know what's going to happen in my life. The profile of a sign usually does fit the personality. This isn't about a belief, or anything, and nothing to with fortune telling or any other mumbo jumbo.

I think if people wanna judge on something other people believe in or live by, they either need to know the truth about them or do some research. Think twice before you create a thread like this one.

As a mod you should know better!

Tabitha Stern

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Horoscopes and Astrology are way different...

I am into astrology more than anyone you will probably ever meet :) I have hundreds of books here that I read on a regular basis....I actually have one book that is called "The Secret Language Of Relationships", and I can take any 2 people and find out their birthdays, then look them up in the book, and it will tell all abotu their relationship...and it works for anyone relationship, family, love, is so dead on accurate

I love Astrology :)


That's right, Tabitha, and I thought I clearly said that in of my post - this isn't about horoscopes in the newspaper....
But is there such a thing as reading into something wishfully? I guess that's wrongly phrased. In much the same way as Self-Fufilling prophecies, is it possible to morph yourself into the person or whatever that you're describing?

Tabitha Stern

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
BNF said:
That's right, Tabitha, and I thought I clearly said that in of my post - this isn't about horoscopes in the newspaper....
oh, you did, but I kept seeing people talking about horoscopes like it was in the same class as astrology and vice versa
Tabitha Stern said:
Horoscopes and Astrology are way different...

Not really. They are similar in that they are both completely wrong and they are also both harmful.

Please explain how the day of your birth or the position of celestial bodies can have any affect on your personality. It can't. There is NO connection. None.

And how is all of this harmful? Because it promotes anticritical thinking which is probably one of the most dangerous things you can do.

Call me a jerk or an asshole, but I'm so tired of people trying to pass off this and other psuedosciences (such as intelligent design, phrenology, psychoanalysis and scientology) as legitimate science.

Please stop promoting this garbage.

Tabitha Stern said:
I love Astrology :)

You're deluding yourself.

If you spent your time studying real science instead of this fictional antiscience, you would see that the real world is filled with beauty and wonder. For example, the actually interactions of celestial bodies is far more interesting than any crap that an astrologer regurgitate from some natal chart.

Tabitha Stern

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
amstrad said:
Not really. They are similar in that they are both completely wrong and they are also both harmful.

Please explain how the day of your birth or the position of celestial bodies can have any affect on your personality. It can't. There is NO connection. None.

And how is all of this harmful? Because it promotes anticritical thinking which is probably one of the most dangerous things you can do.

Call me a jerk or an asshole, but I'm so tired of people trying to pass off this and other psuedosciences (such as intelligent design, phrenology, psychoanalysis and scientology) as legitimate science.

Please stop promoting this garbage.

You're deluding yourself.

If you spent your time studying real science instead of this fictional antiscience, you would see that the real world is filled with beauty and wonder. For example, the actually interactions of celestial bodies is far more interesting than any crap that an astrologer regurgitate from some natal chart.

I don't agree with you, but I am just going to leave it at that, I am not here to fight and degrade peoples beliefs

Tabitha Stern

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
amstrad said:
If you spent your time studying real science instead of this fictional antiscience, you would see that the real world is filled with beauty and wonder. For example, the actually interactions of celestial bodies is far more interesting than any crap that an astrologer regurgitate from some natal chart.

I would just like to add that I am currently in school getting my masters in psychology