Are you better off or worse off since Obama took office?

Are you better off or worse off since Obama took office?

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Obama has been a terrible president. Way too weak and unwilling to really push a true progressive agenda, but it's difficult to work with an opposition party who's strategies and beliefs are tantamount to the Nazi's in 1940's Germany. Xenophobia, racism, bigotry, and a steadfast belief in an imaginary sky diety and that tax cuts magically pay for themselves makes them IMPOSSIBLE to reason with.

The Dems are right on virtually EVERY issue, both fiscally and socially, but they're a bunch of pussies and this country is full of morons who are too susceptible to fear.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I'm doing fucking spectacular thank you.
Actually, if you're talking about finances, my situation has improved a lot. That's great, as it took a bit of a nose dive during the previous administration.

Daisy Lynn

Official Checked Star Member
My private health insurance has gone from $440 a month to $825 under this current Government. So much for healthcare being affordable. I make too much to get free handouts and not enough to afford these prices. :(
As something that analyzes performance, that question, while being simple, doesn't do a very good job of it. To have an accurate representation of how well somebody does one has to look at the circumstances it happened in.

With that I think Obama is a mediocre president. Unfortunately, he is a mediocre president in a time when we need a very great one (and there just isn't anybody out there that can be that that has a chance of being elected). Obama lacking balls and trying to compromise too much during his presidency to the point it screwed him didn't help either. On the other hand none of the buffoons that are republicans (or Libertarians, or Tea Part people) would have done a better job than Obama would have in my opinion. We would be in that much more of a disaster if they were elected instead, and I haven't herd anybody come up with a case where that probably wouldn't have happened.

We would be much worse off if we had the people running against him back then in office or even the people that probably will be running against him in the next election, especially for the least among our society.

Part of the problem is us as a society. A big part of the problem is you. We have become so selfish, so decadent, we have let this country be taken over by a small percentage of us that are elite and run the government and businesses that don't give a crap about us because it was convenient for us at the time, or we didn't (and still don't) want to sacrifice anything, especially if it doesn't directly help us individually.
Obama is a terrible president and it was very obvious since the first day he campaigned. Tis why I didn't vote for him, but he won sadly and now we're paying for it real good. :(


what the fuck you lookin at?

I'm not black!
Obama is a terrible president and it was very obvious since the first day he campaigned. Tis why I didn't vote for him, but he won sadly and now we're paying for it real good. :(
Do you honestly think that things would be better if McCain were in office?

Every single politician says what they have to in order to get into office,and very few of them actually do anything to make a real difference.

I'm not black!

What the fuck does that mean?

I'm black and while I'm lucky that I still have a job,more money is coming out of my checks,and all of my living expenses have gone up as well.

I've made the proper adjustments because I had to.I don't like it,but that's the way it is these days and that's that.

Like D-Rock said,the problem is us.
Do you honestly think that things would be better if McCain were in office?

Every single politician says what they have to in order to get into office,and very few of them actually do anything to make a real difference.

Yes, I think he has more experience. Thus, I think he would've been better. Not good, mind you. Just better. :dunno:
Well in the relationship front things are fantastic but everything else i'm totally fucked right now!
Stuck in a fucked up job that has cut my pay by 800 bucks a month and they can do it because there are no jobs anywhere so they can fuck all of us here at work because we are all replaceable so we dare not complain!! So right now I don't have the cash to pay all my bills so just gotta pay whats important and everything else can just go fuck themselves!
And there is no point to even think what it would be like if McCain was elected because he wasn't! Just the fact that Obama promised alot but really hasn't pushed hard enough to get anything truly done and now we are stuck in the position that our government is too busy bitch fighting than actually getting shit done like they are suppose to!
My knees have started playing up a bit since Obama took office. On a serious note anyone taking office in this economic climate was only ever gonna make unpopular decisions, Cameron and Clegg are just as despised over here for their cost cutting as Obama is for his big spending, there is no simple fix and it may take several years to return to normality.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Do you honestly think that things would be better if McCain were in office?

Every single politician says what they have to in order to get into office,and very few of them actually do anything to make a real difference.

What the fuck does that mean?

I'm black and while I'm lucky that I still have a job,more money is coming out of my checks,and all of my living expenses have gone up as well.

I've made the proper adjustments because I had to.I don't like it,but that's the way it is these days and that's that.

Like D-Rock said,the problem is us.
This moron caters to people who abuse the system. Free hand outs. A lot of black people do this. Sit on their asses and get paid. Not all but a lot. White folks too. But it's a stereotypical black thing.

Perhaps I should have said mexican? More specifically, illegal immigrants. "what you crossed the border illegally?" "Here have free health care and free college!" Stupid mother fucker!:mad:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Obama's presidency has been extremely disappointing thus far but I would hasten to add that my station in life and standard of living has depreciated steadily and dramatically ever since 9-11 so I'm not sure you can draw a clear distinction between the past two administrations as far as the OP's question is concerned. Both Bush and Obama have been awful presidents....weak leaders with meandering agendas and a rotting carcass of a bickering, do-nothing Congress in the middle of it all.

It's time for bold change from the status quo. Whatever the American electorate chooses to do in the 2012 election, I certainly hope it isn't simply to switch gears and put a republican (or, maybe worse yet, keep Obama) in the White House for 4 more years of the same partisan bullshit and inaction. Sadly, I'm not optimistic and fear greatly for the future.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I assume you mean financially? With respect to personal finances, I'm substantially better off. Although the feces seems to be hitting the air conditioner (again) right now, up until the downturn of the past few weeks, things have been good. The industry I work in had been really slow after the Japanese quake. But now we're working like mad to catch up back orders. My 2011 third quarter bonus should be the best I've seen since 2005-06. And I plan to take that money and park it in my brokerage account... and wait for a good bottom in the S&P. Just like in 2008-09, while others were screaming that the sky was falling, capitalism was dead and they lost faith in our financial system and form of government, I'll buy. When the slow-witted widows and orphans are committing suicide and hiding their money in mattresses, that tends to be the best buying opportunity. The only thing stopping me from taking a taste today is this sharp sell-off could trigger margin calls, and that COULD cause another wave of selling over the next couple of days. But there's a lot of good stuff trading for around book value RIGHT now. No point in trying to catch a falling knife. But soon... soon, I think. :)

But right now I do have some hard feelings against Obama. I think he has shown very weak leadership and a lack of negotiating skills. I realize that it's hard (damn hard!) to negotiate with crazy and stupid people. But still, I think he's been playing his cards wrong since about February of this year. He should have followed the budget roadmap laid out by (his own) Simpson-Bowles Commission. IMO, Obama should have jumped out front and used his position to sell that to the American people. And then let the people either support him or not - the majority supported a mix of cuts and an elimination of sweetheart tax breaks. But instead, he sat back and kept his head down until the barbarians were at the gates of the city. A BIG part of the reason S&P downgraded our credit rating was because of the idiotic fighting between the Dems, the Repubs and the Tea baggers... which did not produce a deal that was anything more than window dressing.

So I still say Bill Maher was right when he said: "We have a Democrat party with no balls... and a Republican party with no brains!"