Are You a Courtesy Flusher?

Do you courtesy flush?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • No

    Votes: 14 35.0%
  • Walk into a public restroom? Are you effin' crazy?

    Votes: 5 12.5%

  • Total voters


Retired Moderator
In attempt to make Tunsty's list, here you go...:D

Don't sit there and wallow in your own funk making the rest of the bathroom's unfortunate occupants play the "Christ! - I wonder what he had for dinner" game! Flush the damn toilet after every noxious emission!

It may be true that this technique is less effective for gaseous emissions but I believe that most toilets have at least some minimal vaccuum effect when flushed resulting in a significant reduction in even airborne toxic substances. Those big old commercial toilets nearly suck your ass down the hole and some even spray your bottom for good measure - it's like a bonus bidet

Anyway, I was wondering how many of you practice this most civilized of lavatory practices.
Do you courtesy flush?
This is probably the best poll ever! :glugglug:

Yep - I'm a courtesy flusher, even in my own house - for my sake and for the sake of anyone else who might happen to be around. Who wants to sit on top of a toilet full of smelly shit and have the noxious stinkiness rising up into their face? I drop it, plop it, and flush it ASAP! lol 2nd flush is for the TP. LOL :rofl:

This is sure to make tunsty's next crazy threads poll! :thumbsup:


Member, you member...
Good one, Seraphim.
I asked this guy at work one time when I walked in to the restroom...
"Can you add?"
"Can I add?"
"Yeah, can you add?"
I never take that long in the bathroom to have it matter. I'm not one of those people that will sit on the toilet for 55 minutes and read the newspaper before they get off of it, all the while letting the stench rise to fill the whole room. Plus if I do happen to lay a rancid one I might as well take everybody down with me. If anybody asks just say you will conserve water that way. Anyhow it isn't like a lot of the time it will matter that much, especially like you said, if there is a lot of gas involved.

BTW...I used to love those old commercial toilets. They had a powerful flush. I wish they made them all like that.
Chrism86354 said:
the only time i leave a crew at sea is when they wont flush! nothing i can about it!
agreed, happened to me at work the other day that.... had to make sure no one seen my leave the cubical, lol
I am not a courtesy flusher. When I take a dump or even just fart, I like to enjoy what I am producing. Noxious emissions? Heck no. Every emission has a flavor of its own. I am proud of my emissions and others should have the opportunity to enjoy it as much as I do.
Jack N. Off said:
I am not a courtesy flusher. When I take a dump or even just fart, I like to enjoy what I am producing. Noxious emissions? Heck no. Every emission has a flavor of its own. I am proud of my emissions and others should have the opportunity to enjoy it as much as I do.

Now this thread is definitely going to make it to Tunsty... :thumbsup: Me- I avoid public restrooms at all costs. I can make it!

In private or around a nice place I will courtesy flush, but in a good stall with a friend nearby to suffer, I let the bubbling tar that just escaped me ooze its brilliant aroma around and I laugh in joy as others tear up because of me.


Closed Account
I try to avoid a public restroom as well. But, when you gotta go, you gotta go. I do not like the spray effect on my ass. Just think of all the others that have gone before you and contaminated the water. A courtesy flush sprays all that shit on your ass. No courtesy flush for me, thank you. :eek:
nope, I want the whole world to enjoy the perfum or as the french prefer eau de toilette (yes I know that's not the correct translation, I'm playing on the American usage of the word toilet, but I digress).

Yes, I am a sick bastard.

What really makes me proud is when I can disgust myself with my own stench. Other than that I'm a clean, hygenic guy who happens to like inflicting the sent of his flatulence on others.

EDIT: As I understand the term, "courtesy flush" refers to a flush mid-shit in order to clear the proverbial air. I do flush when the job is throuh. I do no leave proof of my work for others to admire, only the impression left in the air. As comanduc, stated, the thought of blowback on my ass is not attractive, believe me I've got enough issues down there as it is
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It's good to be the king...
Flush once the job is done - straight 'n simple.

[edit] considering us folks in London & the South East are being threatened with water meters for all, hosepipe bans and water shortages, using more water than necessary is becoming a tricky subject....

And while we're on the subject of water....

Water Wars are Looming on the Horizon

(Kevin Costner was right all along? Damn!)
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