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Are there any british people on this forum?


the special one
The board would attract more Welsh members if beastiality was allowed :sheep:


the special one
Mr Cameron also called for some "horrific" internet search terms to be "blacklisted", meaning they would automatically bring up no results on websites such as Google or Bing.

-> Labour, UKIP, LibDem, George Galloway, EU
Dear Cameron,

Instead of restricting porn because you think the problem is it being available rather than crap parenting - just like alcohol, violent video games, fatty foods - how about proper sentencing for sexual assaults, paedophilia and rape? How about eliminating the blame culture and stopping the media from hounding victims? How about having a good look at some of the lecherous crap the Daily Mail put on their website, often glamourizing female minors, like with their unhealthy obsession with Suri Cruise? You've got far bigger problems on your hands, pun intended, than making the perverts of the country actually declare that they're less inclined to be using their 3MB fibre optic to check the shipping forecast than for watching Mia and Malena make sweet love down by the fire.

Tory bastards.

a man who would be "opting in" if he wasn't emigrating soon anyway.
I enjoy the fact he is blaming everyone who enjoys pornography for societies problems.

I particularly enjoy the effect on childhood element, children accessing pornography at such a young age is the fault of the parents, not the internet providers. If your child drinks alcohol you don;'t blame the company that bottled it or the fridge manufactured it for storing it. You lay blame on the parent who left if within easy reach and under no supervision.

Blah blah blah its always the same nowadays, parents passing the buck over their responsibilities and making others take the heat and repercussions for their failings as parents of children. This pathetic little cry baby country we live in is pathetic. Citing pornography as the sole problem of societies problems is a stab in the dark. It is the choice of the individual what they do and how they react with the knowledge they have.

How about Mr Cameron, you put harsher controls on purchases of games, since we can lay blame for everything at someone elses door step now - Why do I constantly see and in turn have to play with online, minors being bought games because their parents dont care about the age certification on the box. If porn makes us all pedophiles and sexual attackers then lets have a stab at the dark that the influence from these violent games turns kids into amoral little shits.

I am not the account holder for this broadband service, so am I supposed to crawl to the one who does with a bad excuse and a nervous twitch why I need "opted in"?

Yes a few children died and regrettably the individual who did the crime by coincidence had graphic and illegal content in his possession, so go after the illegal content, the makers the sharers leave the legal stuff alone.

Porn in Britain will become the moonshine of prohibition. Google filtering out certain words? All that will do is force it underground, there are plenty of ways to share content on line, code words, buzz words - The problem will not go away because some upper class cunt with no grasp of reality playing the ignorant crown that is the British public says its bad for us. Fortunately the intelligent and non fucked up in the head will realise this but are already powerless to do anything about it.

Just wait though, will it stop the number of dead kids? Social disorder? Crime and general bad things that Mr Cameron hides under his silk pillow from every night?

No. But for 15 minutes he can wear that smug wanker, shit eating grin of his and and for that quarter of an hour think he's saved the country. After which another dead kid will turn up and we are back at square one.
I'm British but I'm living in America, I think all of this 'blocking porn' thing is ridiculous. They're saying children are seeing it blah blah, that may be the case but if a child see's a film rated 18, is it the directors fault? Of course not. So why should it be any different for porn?
If people don't want their kids seeing stuff, there's easy ways to block certain sites/searches. Cameron just wants someone to blame and he doesn't dare blame the parents.

Did you see the daily mail when they announced this block as well?
They're so against porn yet they post pics of barely clothed women and men, and then they post nude pics with pixelated nipples. Such hypocrites, every day on their site the first thing you see on that site is some girl in a bikini saying how she has such a good body & THEY POST PICS OF UNDERAGE GIRLS IN BIKINIS SAYING HOW GROWN UP THEY ARE.

If they hate porn so much, they should really review their material.

I realise this thread wasn't about this porn block or the dailymail, so i'll shut up now.
But basically yes. I'm British.
Hello. :)
I think some of the British members here are out having a fag or two...



Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
You know, I figured three years in that country was long enough.

Anybody know what the British rules are regarding voting from abroad?


Official Checked Star Member
Official Checked Star Member
Word on the street is Canada could very well be the next country to implement a ban on adult websites by default... same bullshit "opt in" principle.


Head Of Ministry Of Tarts And Tart Team Commander
Official Checked Star Member
I wonder what Miss Hybrid and some of the other Brit OCSMs think about this?

I'll keep my political ideas to myself on things like this...but the world is starting to sound more like the one in V for Vendetta every day.

Have a look at what I have done to my site. Have you seen my 18 warning page intro wideo? Wules are wules.

Internally the site is the same but externally...crikey, the only stiff thing is the upper lip.

It is mayhem, nobody knows what is going on. Search ATVOD ....

It must be a vote winner though. Obviously no one ever looks at porn , ever....