Seems to depend on which day of the week it is. But with the left's growing embrace of divisive "identity politics" (and the rejection of the social ideals and standards put forth by JFK and MLK, Jr.) and nanny state solutions to every issue (even issues that aren't major issues), I'd say that they seem to be pulling ahead of the right these days.
In other words, [NOBABE]Michele Bachmann[/NOBABE] seems like a fucking nutcase... until you hear the nonsensical yammerings of someone like [NOBABE]Lena Dunham[/NOBABE]. The main difference between those two winners is that the "mainstream" media will call Michele out on her bullshit, while they'll give [NOBABE]Lena[/NOBABE] a complete pass... because she is one of theirs. Other than that, in my opinion, they're two sides of the same (worthless) coin. So I guess what I'm saying is, I blame the media (including social media) for embracing and allowing left wing bigotry, while howling to the moon about right wing bigotry. The way that I was brought up, bigotry is bigotry - there is no room for double standards. To justify or rationalize it in any way simply makes you a hypocrite. But according to some on the left now, that is not true. As long as you can rationalize your bigotry and hatred of certain others by (hypocritically) applying terms like "privilege", your bigoted actions are not bigotry. Your hateful speech is not hateful. You just have to be in a self-created "protected class", then you can spout any sort of delusional and socially destructive nonsense that you please. It most certainly is a page taken from Orwell's 1984, IMO.
Personally, I find it all to be very sad.