Are any of you still virgins?

I'm a 20 (almost 21) year old in college and still a virgin. Just have a hard time meeting girls and I'm beginning to get a little worried that after college it will become even harder.
I'm in the same boat except a few months ahead of you.

edit: I find it amusing that my title changed to "Girls don't like me" as soon as I made this post.
LMAO! How to commit "message board suicide"!!!:yinyang: :angels:
Yeah, I was smart enought to figure out it was sarcasm. Unfortunately, you are not smart enough to see that, sarcastic or not, it was still in bad taste. Nice knowing you by the way.:wave2:
Egads! The World of Warcraft/Bnet Community is on our forums! Stop it before it spreads!

Anyways to the OP, I'm a virgin still. Don't think you're alone, but at the same time, don't think you're hopeless. It's ultimately our own fault, unless you're realistically so unattractive that no one would ever like you. By that I mean you're either out of shape or have a terrible personality, the first you can fix, the latter you can't. Either way, there's no way its hopeless, just keep trying. It's as simple as that. That's one thing I at least understand, for I have seen the nerdiest of guys with the hottest of women.
Well yeah basically what's hurting me (one of the things, I'm sure there are plenty) is the whole bar thing, since I don't drink.
i don't drink either
i know i could get a girl if i just put myself out there
why don't i? that's a good question
i don't know
i don't drink either
i know i could get a girl if i just put myself out there
why don't i? that's a good question
i don't know

that is a good question. take my word for this. i only had one girlfriend in all my school days. it lasted a grand total of two weeks. it wasnt until i was 19 that i had my first serious relationship. that one didnt last. but my second is still going. moral of this story is: dont give up. thats what the other dude who made a big deal of this couldnt realize.
No one dies a virgin, life screws everyone


Closed Account
I as a woman say "Fagetta bout it" its no big deal. You take your time and when the right one, right time comes along, then go for it. Don't have sex just because you want to be able to say you have. It is in no way a trophy, its a wonderful natural right part of life.

I personally have never, not even once had sex just for the sake of sex. I know most men do, but having sex like that to me is no different than them just jerking off. So save your date money and rent a movie if you're only seeking sex. Date those you feel you may enjoy spending time with, have something in common with and let nature take its course. A few minutes with a girl you care nothing about would not make a good first time memory I feel.

LL :glugglug:
Join some type of club or volunteer organization or something that puts you in social setting where people are more relaxed. I've been going to bars 35 yrs and some of the least satisfying sex I've ever had was on the rare occasion when I picked up some drunk chick and took her home. It's a lot more satisfying when you're doing it with some body you actually know and like.

Another mistake I made in my younger days was being too picky about looks. A of lot great looking women are just too selfish to be any good in the sack and you have to kiss their ass so much that it takes all the fun out of it.
Also if you're like me chasing those 9's and 10's is a waste of time and money.


Closed Account
Nope lost mine a long time ago. ;)
26 years old virgin and almost proud of it.
Jerking off every single day over the past 13 years and kinda satisfied the way it is. Maybe that's my problem. If I weren't happy with my situation, I might finally try and change it.
But truth be told, I never even *tried* to get me a frist girlfriend, my first kiss and my first fuck.
I probably just don't see why I should.

Of course there are temporary periods when a feeling of loneliness is overwhelming me. But that never lasts long. I got friends and a job to fill my life and porn to spill my seed. Better than paying alimony I guess.