Apple bans "anti-Islam" app

Typical. Nobody has the fucking balls to confront Islam.
Typical. Nobody has the fucking balls to confront Islam.

Same is true about many other religions. Judaism is the most prominent example in West. You can't say anything about Jews or Israel. There is an unannounced ban on any criticism of Jews or Israel.

In India, a beef lover can even eat a cow because Hindus consider this animal (most interestingly female only) their god. Pre-1947 India was marred by violence which was often erupted by a mere killing of a cow for food.
Same is true about many other religions. Judaism is the most prominent example in West. You can't say anything about Jews or Israel. There is an unannounced ban on any criticism of Jews or Israel.

In India, a beef lover can even eat a cow because Hindus consider this animal (most interestingly female only) their god. Pre-1947 India was marred by violence which was often erupted by a mere killing of a cow for food.

That's not exactly accurate. Comedians and critics could make fun of Judaism without any reason to fear for their safety. You are right that criticizing Zionism or Israel, and nearly any aspect of it, often ends up with racism/Antisemitism charges, but that's a matter of potential social stigma, not a beheading in Amsterdam or a fatwa issued by the Ayatollah.

As far as India goes, again, there's no fear of retaliation for eating a hamburger in the West. This story wasn't about some idiot going to Mecca and disrespecting Islam. It's about a huge corporation, Apple, allowing an anti-Judeo-Christian app while blocking an app that does nothing more than offer violent verses from the Koran.
off topic but i watched larry king the other day while i was visiting my grandma and was fairly surprised to see penn on there as a political pundit...i believe he was listed as 'libertarian' as to an anti-muslim app honestly it sounds a bit childish but it seems equally childish to be so worried as to ban it


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Porn, anti-Islam... that's it, if they ban beer I am throwing away my iPod.
I remember one time somebody kept bragging about how Marilyn Manson rips up a bible at his concerts. I simply said: I bet he doesn't have the balls to rip up a Koran and rub ham all over it.

That was that. Boasting and bragging stopped.
QUICK! Someone bomb Apple's head office.

That'll show those cunts!

No. No. No. No! We only do that if they make fun of Islam. They are protecting the glorious Mohammed's pure image! Jeez! This is why in our "special meetings" we are considered the Abbot and Costello of them all!



I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Muhammed secretly runs Apple you all knew that, they transferred his essence into this giant Apple shaped AI....You know somewhere Buddah and Cthullu are laughing at all this relgious nonesense.


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The problem is NOT islam. As much as the problem with those abortion-clinic-burners etc.

The problem is, as Penn puts it so well, CRAZY PEOPLE. People who go no-brained by the letters in books from way beyond and who can't and/or won't put it on context with the situation today and the basics of 'Treat others as you want to be treated', and 'Live and Let Live'.

Those are minorities sometimes a bit larger in certain groups or areas, sometime with a bigger lobby in some countries.

The sad thing is, the peaceful crowd doesn't really stand up to them, as it is tough to do that if the people who youoppose are perfectly okay if they hurt or kill nonbelievers, in extreme occasion even are in a state of mind where you feel sanctified if you kill yourself in the process, too.

The religion in itself is mostly state of mind that is more helping to be peaceful

Again: Stop blaming Islam. You miss the point
The problem is NOT islam. As much as the problem with those abortion-clinic-burners etc.

The problem is, as Penn puts it so well, CRAZY PEOPLE. People who go no-brained by the letters in books from way beyond and who can't and/or won't put it on context with the situation today and the basics of 'Treat others as you want to be treated', and 'Live and Let Live'.

Those are minorities sometimes a bit larger in certain groups or areas, sometime with a bigger lobby in some countries.

The sad thing is, the peaceful crowd doesn't really stand up to them, as it is tough to do that if the people who youoppose are perfectly okay if they hurt or kill nonbelievers, in extreme occasion even are in a state of mind where you feel sanctified if you kill yourself in the process, too.

The religion in itself is mostly state of mind that is more helping to be peaceful

Again: Stop blaming Islam. You miss the point

Actually the problem is Islam. It's founder was a violent man who used religion to attain his power objectives----control of Mecca and Medina, elimination of Jewish and Christian tribes he couldn't control, trade duties in the Arabian Penninsula etc.

When a Christian does something bad, it's more difficult to trace it back to the New Testament because Jesus wasn't a violent man for the most part. Yes he did kick the money changers from the temple, said he had come to divide houses and that it would be better for someone to have a millstone cast around their neck than to divert the spiritual education of young people. BUT that's the extent, and of those 2, Jesus reserves those exclusive actions to himself. He also stops Peter and his other followers from doing violence on his behalf.

So yes, the problem is with Islam. It's also with Judaism, but we have far fewer Jews in this world and they're not normally proselytizers. On top of that, they've shown themselves to be more reasonable than Muslims and don't (directly) seek the destruction of Western civilization.
I remember one time somebody kept bragging about how Marilyn Manson rips up a bible at his concerts. I simply said: I bet he doesn't have the balls to rip up a Koran and rub ham all over it.

That was that. Boasting and bragging stopped.

I've noticed that too with Atheists. They freak out when you ask them why they wouldn't dare attack Judaism or Islam publicly.

All of this b.s. annoys me, I'm an agnostic and I would have to say Atheists are extremely annoying, especially the "evangelical" ones.
No Islam IS the problem. It's current intepretation is incredibly intolerant and has ZERO tolerance for any criticism and humor.
Anyone who does go after Islam in public has balls the size of Mt. Everest.
The problem is NOT islam. As much as the problem with those abortion-clinic-burners etc.

The problem is, as Penn puts it so well, CRAZY PEOPLE. People who go no-brained by the letters in books from way beyond and who can't and/or won't put it on context with the situation today and the basics of 'Treat others as you want to be treated', and 'Live and Let Live'.

Those are minorities sometimes a bit larger in certain groups or areas, sometime with a bigger lobby in some countries.

The sad thing is, the peaceful crowd doesn't really stand up to them, as it is tough to do that if the people who youoppose are perfectly okay if they hurt or kill nonbelievers, in extreme occasion even are in a state of mind where you feel sanctified if you kill yourself in the process, too.

The religion in itself is mostly state of mind that is more helping to be peaceful

Again: Stop blaming Islam. You miss the point

Who are you directing that at? I wasn't blaming Islam, I was citing an example about a ridiculous reaction to it.
I've noticed that too with Atheists. They freak out when you ask them why they wouldn't dare attack Judaism or Islam publicly.

All of this b.s. annoys me, I'm an agnostic and I would have to say Atheists are extremely annoying, especially the "evangelical" ones.

What are you talking about? Christopher Hitchens has written negative shit about Judaism and Islam over and over again. Bill Maher's lambasted Judaism in Religilious and attacked Islam probably more than anybody in American non-talk radio media. And Richard Dawkins went on about how Jews “monopolize American foreign policy?”

What atheists are more well known and popular as Hitchens, Dawkins and Maher? Even Penn Jillette put out a video where he gleefully introduced bacon to a life long kosher Jew.

What God concept do you think most atheists are criticizing? It ain't Zeus or Ahura Mazda, it's Abraham's. It seems that a lot of Christians believe that the God and the six day creation are Christian concepts. I've seen many Christians, for example, claim that the idea to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance or off the dollar bill is "anti-Christian". That's hilarious.