Anyone want to take a stab at how many points Dow will lose tomorrow?

I'm going for a 400 pt drop. The Asian markets tanked today. CNN was hinting at a huge point drop tonight in the Dem debate. The Dow dropped big last week and dropped big after the "Rebate/Stimulus" talk of last week....

Anyone think more than 400 points? 500 points? Less than 400?

President Bush gives his State of the Union tomorrow night...I'm not sure it's wise for him to give his speech in Congress tomorrow night. I don't think there will be any applause or standing ovations....He should give his State of the Union from Saudi Arabia...imo.;)


what the fuck you lookin at?
Bush, never mind, it'll end with me in prison if I finish this statement...
tough question. It somewhat will be determined by the news just before opening, like four people in Wisconson got jobs, should send it up.

I think you could see it down 300+ sometime during the day. I'm convinced it's going to crash and burn soon as the economy is a lot worse than anyone wants you to believe and the traders are only banking on the direction people think it's going to go. They make money either way, and know they can get out fast. The real pain is the long term holders of funds and stocks.
Let it fall. I will be there eventually to pick up the pieces.:nanner:


^ The "rational responder" ^ :) Thx for the digits !

I'm with AFA, 2 - 300ish pts

Mr.Rock - would you like to submit the opening wager ? . . ante in or . . :confused: :tongue:
I'm going for a 400 pt drop. The Asian markets tanked today. CNN was hinting at a huge point drop tonight in the Dem debate. The Dow dropped big last week and dropped big after the "Rebate/Stimulus" talk of last week....

Anyone think more than 400 points? 500 points? Less than 400?

President Bush gives his State of the Union tomorrow night...I'm not sure it's wise for him to give his speech in Congress tomorrow night. I don't think there will be any applause or standing ovations....He should give his State of the Union from Saudi Arabia...imo.;)

^ The "rational responder" ^ :) Thx for the digits !

I'm with AFA, 2 - 300ish pts

Mr.Rock - would you like to submit the opening wager ? . . ante in or . . :confused: :tongue:

titsrock was closest without going over. I saw 450 on the open. Should have had a little more faith. Good day to go short.

As far as the speech goes, I can't stand watching this guy, never could.

You'd have to force me to watch it.

Yes, but no matter how much drugs and alcohol, I never think Bush makes any sense. I'd rather talk to the monkey.


Anyone want to take a stab at how many points Dow will lose tomorrow?

Usually on the board, the phrase "how many points Dow will lose tomorrow?" is, instead, a model's, starlet's or porn star's name, so I am lost as to the question you are asking. :D
The FTSE 100 went up 2% today, Black Monday? What Black Monday!!!

Yeah Right were all fucked. The world is coming to an end people just deal with it. Hahahahahahahahahaha.
I think I get to claim the win for this little thread...the down sunk like a rock to 450 points...before a panic/emergency "secret 3/4 pt rate cut" which nobody foresaw happening...

The funny question of the night from last night's debate was about "stimulus packages"...but if we think about the time the new president takes office..we will either be sunk into a depression or maybe on a rebound.

The prez met with the Nincompoops Pelosi/Reid to talk about "stimulating packages"....I am leery of anything that comes out of a meeting between these 3 "geniuses"...
by the time the new president takes office..we will either be sunk into a depression or maybe on a rebound.

I don't know that being the next Pres is going to be really an enviable position given the chickens that look like they might be coming home to roost as they say.Economic and energy and enviormental problems seem to be possibly not that far off and none of them seem to have any easy answers in the short or long term.
I don't know that being the next Pres is going to be really an enviable position given the chickens that look like they might be coming home to roost as they say.Economic and energy and enviormental problems seem to be possibly not that far off and none of them seem to have any easy answers in the short or long term.

Fred Thompson threw the towel in today. He should've stayed a couple of more days to go on the upcoming MSNBC debate and settle some scores with the Huckster.

Thompson bailed..maybe Edwards and Rudy will soon follow suit..then the Huckster and Mitt...if the US keeps up on the downward spiral..will any of the candidates remain?? You have a point what point will it be like.."Ya know, I really don't want this job anymore..":rolleyes: Maybe this is how Ron Paul will get elected. He'll simply wait in the weeds for the rest to give up. :shock: