Anyone in the Uk watch that thing on camp x ray torture techniques?

oh that was nasty - basically a gourp of volunteers submitting themselves to similar types of torture used in guantanimo (sp?) bay.

It was horrible some of the stuff they used, twisting sentences, stress positions, forced hot and cold tempurtures, while noise, public stripping - I could go on!

I wrote in another thread how I thought our generation was becoming desenstised but I gotta admit that some of this shocked me, if only for the realisation that it was actually going on in america...
I've just noticed how bad my spelling is in that post, sorry!

Cant seem to find an edit button though...


yeah i watched it, the white noise sounded like tha worst torture, having 2 listen to that for hours no wonder they pulled there hair out!
That was amazing! If you are dealing with terrorists they need to know what they are up against, and if we need answers then they have to expect anything to happen to them!
it cant be worse than be a civillan contractor over there and being kidnaped and haveing your head chopped off, i`ll think i can put up with a little white noise


JerseyRocks said:
it cant be worse than be a civillan contractor over there and being kidnaped and haveing your head chopped off, i`ll think i can put up with a little white noise

One has nothing to do with the other, as far as I am concerned.
think about it mc rocket, when you see these people on tv begging for there lives
they know whats going to happen to them, thats a form of tourchure . and its not like they even need information from then they are civilans, they just do it cause they are sick people


JerseyRocks said:
think about it mc rocket, when you see these people on tv begging for there lives
they know whats going to happen to them, thats a form of tourchure . and its not like they even need information from then they are civilans, they just do it cause they are sick people

Fair enough. You are right about that.
Dude, i think it is disturbing, but lets take this hypothesis, since those techniques were invented for a reason, One, being naked breaks down resistance by leaving the person feel vulnerable(btw, college students do streaking parties)

Lets go back a few thousand years, to china, one of the favoured torture tactics was paper cuts over a few day period, make you bleed to death by paper cuts, and lets face it, i would rather be buck naked, afraid of some dog, the paper cuts all over my body ranging by a a millimeter, to several centemeters.

Now, lets take a look at drowning, how fast would you spill your guts IF, you were constanty being bobbed underwater to the point of passing out before you were brought out? i don't know about you, but the averageperson will last maybe a few minutes, a trained soldier a little longer.

Hot and cold temperature is another way to get someone to talk, in anbearably hot conditions, you feel tired and worn down, in cold, you clam up, get cold, yopu mind slow down drastically, and you can't think strait, so more information is extracted.

they Also have women wearing thongs interigating the captured terrorist, since it is pretty much a slap across their face, a female, wearing skimpy clothing shows supiority over the detainee, making him feel weak and small.

Now lets get to the reason why we use techniques that seem brutal, it's to prevent american citizens from being killed, that is why we have not had another 9/11, thanks to these barbaric techniques.


pornman123 said:
Dude, i think it is disturbing, but lets take this hypothesis, since those techniques were invented for a reason, One, being naked breaks down resistance by leaving the person feel vulnerable(btw, college students do streaking parties)

Lets go back a few thousand years, to china, one of the favoured torture tactics was paper cuts over a few day period, make you bleed to death by paper cuts, and lets face it, i would rather be buck naked, afraid of some dog, the paper cuts all over my body ranging by a a millimeter, to several centemeters.

Now, lets take a look at drowning, how fast would you spill your guts IF, you were constanty being bobbed underwater to the point of passing out before you were brought out? i don't know about you, but the averageperson will last maybe a few minutes, a trained soldier a little longer.

Hot and cold temperature is another way to get someone to talk, in anbearably hot conditions, you feel tired and worn down, in cold, you clam up, get cold, yopu mind slow down drastically, and you can't think strait, so more information is extracted.

they Also have women wearing thongs interigating the captured terrorist, since it is pretty much a slap across their face, a female, wearing skimpy clothing shows supiority over the detainee, making him feel weak and small.

Now lets get to the reason why we use techniques that seem brutal, it's to prevent american citizens from being killed, that is why we have not had another 9/11, thanks to these barbaric techniques.

Why do you think the Americans were the ones that pushed SO hard (apparently) for the Geneva convention rules back in the middle 20th century? SO Americans don't get tortured.
What the heck is going to happen to an American soldier if he/she is captured by Iranians (if they invaded Iran)? The Iranians will call them terrorists and state that they can keep them indefinitely and treat them just like at Guantanamo Bay. And the U.S. will have no legal ground to stop them.
They will demand that the Red Cross get to see the American prisoners in Iran (or wherever). And the Iranians will refuse because the Americans often refused that for the inmates they held.
All the U.S. is doing is making sure that future U.S. soldiers that are captured will be treated a HELL of a lot worse then they would have been had Abu Graif (<--spelling) or Guantanamo Bay never happened.