Anyone here play Final Fantasy Brave Exvius?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Picked up exvius:War of the visions
Still havent installed the whole 600 megs, made it thru some of the starting missions.
More to develop as the story comes
Let us know. I only have time for 1 F2P game in my life, and even that is pushing it. It's hard to walk away from years of progress
I still haven't reinstalled it. Maybe when I do a free up space dump I'll download and check out.

Full Metal Alchemist sure has been making the mobile game rounds lol

Sounds like the game is fizzing out??? Any d3cent units or just same characters different themes?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
How many Zargs do you have?
I don't know TBH. I recently got back when I saw they were giving away free 7* units two events in a row.
The 7 stars are getting flooded and each week a new OP unit comes out. Heck that one l... umm, Zatyr or whatever his name was, had a Michael Jackson looking unit. The Katy Perry cameo was stupid as hell.

I'm glad I chopped the chain.
Yeah, not all 7* are equal, that's for sure!
Right now it's that cook from IX. Also there's a free daily 10 summon.

I've never played IX but I love the background for the battles.

There's also another reason I've gotten back into it a bit.... I might post about that later. Not the best news.
Nikki has always been my go-to guy for any party... and now they have an improved version of him?? Man that is tempting...
I got my L120 Quina's TMR & STMR, so she can solo LGD now. I had to pull in some other TMRs but I finally got that MAG parameter quest done... took me long enough. Who would h

I've put her up as my friend unit so she should help your grind. With the bonus enemies, you can get over 25K in event currency in 1 run
I still haven't reinstalled it. It's probably too big a file now for the little space I have left on phone. Maybe when I get new phone? I don't know.

Any unique units the past few months tho? Cgi or anything
Yeah, there's basically a new CG unit every week or two. Right now it's Zidane.
Oh, and we got "the Orders" version of Sakura & Nicky. I don't know if they have CGs like their regular versions though.
There's a cute buddy-cop story event about new recruits in the Aldore police force called "Aldore 5-0"
One of the characters is named "Colundo" lol. The other is Caroline (I don't get the joke for her)
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No! 8* is definitely not a good move. Sheesh already had to modify cactuars. That's ridiculous.
The exploration mission (Siren's tower) was surprisingly difficult even at the lower levels. I actually got wiped because I didn't take it seriously.
There's a collab event where they've brought back most limited collab units (from Nier, Xenogears, Fantasy Star etc... and they're giving you one of your choice for free via a ticket.
So that alone might be worth checking out if you ever wanted those units.

Also anniversary coming up soon, so expect lots of freebies then.
4th Anniversary starts on Jun 29, so I guess July is going to be a month of goodies... might be worth checking out.
Since you left, there's also a thing called "world revisit quests" where you just have to clear the last level of a dungeon to get lapis. It resets monthly and usually covers one continent/level, and can get you around 8000-10000 lapis + tickets etc. But at the end of the month it's gone for good, so you'll want to get'er done before then.
Since you left, there's also a thing called "world revisit quests" where you just have to clear the last level of a dungeon to get lapis. It resets monthly and usually covers one continent/level, and can get you around 8000-10000 lapis + tickets etc. But at the end of the month it's gone for good, so you'll want to get'er done before then.
The free 7* units have been good. If you grind a bit you can get the STMR for free too.
We've had mages, magtanks, DPS etc.

I would recommend just signing in for the anniversary that starts tomorrow and get all the freebies. They haven't shown exactly what we are getting, but there are likely going to be lots of units. At the end of that, look at your stash and then you can decide if it's worth returning.

But work on those world revisit quests ASAP. They reset on Jul 1, and it's like 8000 free lapis for you.