
antifa dot com redirect to the Biden site still extra clicks gotta love it
Yeah doesn't change what I said right with friends like this :ROFLMAO: but I tend to agree with the fbi not an organization just a ideology that motivates vandals and looters and in some awful numerous cases violent attacks that sometimes end in murder or attempted murder of law enforcement or other individuals opposing them. With friends like this
One of the most important jobs for a fledgling dictatorship is to criminalize all opposition. How do you do that? Convince your base that political dissidents are rioters, looters, and murderers. But nobody around here would fall for such an obvious tactic, right?
Actually Antifa criminalizes itself by its own admission great read a congress report this is a good piece about how they think American civil liberties are actually probably a bad idea?
"Antifa adherents
believe that civil liberties protections provide safe harbor to
ideas and people bent on harming vulnerable populations in
the United States."


  • IF10839.pdf
    601.7 KB · Views: 615
Interesting enough, kind of makes antifa sound a lot like the 2A crowd. A good chunk of people with reasonable ideas, and a handful of assholes using it as an excuse to be assholes.

We are, however, living in the age of the trump administration, where congressional reports are often worthless. Have a go at this takedown of the congressional report into the 737 max, makes it sound like the 245 page report was written by a bunch of 7th graders and google -

Short version - the report relies heavily on lay media reporting, even citing the daily mail, but no references to any reputable aviation journals. It spends 26 pages blaming production pressure at boeing, ignoring the fact that the 737 max development time was the longest for any boeing aircraft. And it fails to address the fact that the captain of one of the crashed planes failed his simulation test 3 times, and his instructor wrote on his report "does not understand the concept of a stall."

This is what happens to the validity of congressional reports when you primary out all the qualified public servants and replace them with rabid tea party sycophants. That's a big part of the problem. Those who subscribe to the "republican for life" philosophy don't even have an inkling of the damage that their party has done to the US over the last decade or so.
3 members of anti-government group ANTIFA arrested after looting a Target in Austin, FBI says

Antifa Protester Implicated in Killing of Trump Supporter in Oregon

Unmasking the leftist Antifa movement

But just go to the handbook where they espouse resistance to law enforcement, violence and their agenda by any means necessary. Nonviolent not even for a minute ask them yourself
We're never going to agree here, because of one fundamental difference. I DO believe that the trump administration is both fascist and authoritarian, not because I like tossing those terms around at people with right of center political views, but because the facts absolutely bear it out. You believe that trump is wonderful because he says things you like, regardless of whether those things are reflected in American values or the constitution.

I absolutely DO NOT support anyone, of any ideological affiliation, rioting, looting, or harming civilians who do not wish to be involved. But I do support political dissidence and resistance to the current US administration. I do support resistance to law enforcement, given the way that law enforcement has behaved in recent months. And I don't think the US is going back to anything resembling normal without some level of violence.

Those who call themselves antifa might just be a gaggle of undisciplined malcontents right now, but as things get worse, they will organize, leadership will emerge, they'll get a LOT smarter, and they'll join with other networks to become the resistance, fighting to defend what's left of America.
One of the most important jobs for a fledgling dictatorship is to criminalize all opposition. How do you do that? Convince your base that political dissidents are rioters, looters, and murderers. But nobody around here would fall for such an obvious tactic, right?
Criminalizing opposition? We know very well that the Antifa are often people with large criminal records and often repeat offenders backing up the democrats and anyone hating who succeeds well in their life. They are the unhinged left and are besides BLM what causes chaos, riots, looting, vandalizing properties of other people and encourage murdering cops or even Trump supporters. Antifa are criminals, end of discussion.

By the way Dan Crenshaw only needed 40 seconds to school a FBI director on Antifa

Also, as Dan Crenshaw says it well Antifa should be considered ‘more than just an ideology’
Thanks for proving me right, georges.

I'll take the assessment of the FBI director over a republican rep from Texas on what sort of threat antifa represents to Americans. When you're on the side of the dictator, the resistance are the bad guys.
Thanks for proving me right, georges.

I'll take the assessment of the FBI director over a republican rep from Texas on what sort of threat antifa represents to Americans. When you're on the side of the dictator, the resistance are the bad guys.
You call them resistance, I call them criminals
You call them resistance, I call them criminals
and if you listen to them they call themselves criminals and proudly they're so woke and committed that no crime is off the table in persuing they're ends. Read their own rules and propaganfa They say it themselves criminals that don't cooperate with police. You chose the wrong horse to back mongo18 that like saying at Altamont that one day those HA boys will be conducting pta meetings and bake sales hahha


FreeOnes Lifetime Member


Though I tend to like his granddaugter, Alessandra Mussolini, much better. :)

She is also the niece of Sophia Loren. Thus you can see how beautiful she is.

And yes, she is active in Italian and European politics but she is not like her grandfather at all. She even criticized comedian Jim Carrey for posting his sketch of Benito Mussolini and his mistress Claretta Petacci hanging upside down at the Piazzale Loreto in Milan after they were executed in 1945. She called Carrey a "bastard" for his March 2019 Twitter post.
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Though I tend to like his granddaugter, Alessandra Mussolini, much better. :)

And yes, she is active in Italian and European politics but she is not like her grandfather at all. She even criticized comedian Jim Carrey for posting his sketch of Benito Mussolini and his mistress Claretta Petacci hanging upside down at the Piazzale Loreto in Milan after they were executed in 1945. She called Carrey a "bastard" for his March 2019 Twitter post.
Good for her I always thought that was sh*tty to desecrate corpses even if you thought he was a sh*tty leader that ruined the country but sometimes. Poor unfunny taste Jim Carrey and totally on brand for you hahaha :ROFLMAO:


FO Admin / "selfish idiot mod" (he/they)
Staff member
So if the basic premise of Antifa is to be anti-Fascist does that make the people who are against them Pro-Fascist?


The most interesting people in this whole debate are the ones who say they're anti-anti fascism but they're not fascists themselves, which makes them fascism centrists, and that largely sums up just how stupid political discourse is these days.
Antifas are hugely overblown, particulary since Trum is in office 'cause he and his administration want to convince as many people as possible thant Antifas are a real threat to America.

The reality is that they can only spread chaos here and there, not plan large-scale operation 'cause they have no commandoing structure, no leaders. etc. There's "only" a few very mobile, very fast-responding groups. And these groups are not even establised, anyone can join, leave or even create a groupe whenver he wants.
Groups have different goals, different favored targets, different rules. Sometimes several groupe can work together for a limited amount of time when they happen to have goals and targets.
And because groups have no established leaders, a groupe would cease to exist only when the last member leaves. So it's not like you can almost destroy a group by eliminating the leader.

In terms of warfare, Cantifas are very good at guerilla but they cannot form an actual army that would seize control of a country.

Also, Antifas do not create chaos, they only amplify and spread existing chaos.

The most interesting people in this whole debate are the ones who say they're anti-anti fascism but they're not fascists themselves, which makes them fascism centrists, and that largely sums up just how stupid political discourse is these days.
Interesting analysis. I would disagree but let me explain you why. The terms facists and centrists at least for me never go together. In fact fascism was a form a far leftism because it involved some far left ideas regarding economy and its regulation and far right regarding governance of the country. Centrists are very neutral and rarely involve themselves on one side or another. Of course, we may agree to disagree.
Anyone on the opposite side from trump and republicans will be on the right side of history.
Yeah, just like Stalin happens to be on the right side of History 'cause he went on the opposite side from Hitler, right ?

Before he was killed, Al-Baghdadi (leader of Daech) used to be on the opposite side from Trump. Would you say he was on the right side of History ?
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