To each his own. If I had the choice of actually surfing and looking for pics of real hot blooded women or really well inked anime babes, I would choose the real thing :2 cents:
To everyone his due, but on a Board such as this, I don't think Hentai / Anime is as popular as it is elsewhere. I can think of maybe three or four other members aside from the thread creator who has expressed an interest in porn-related anime.
I don't think it would be very popular, honestly ... but hey, to each his own, y'know?
i would like to see one but it could degrade the site, i mean you could have a shizah section but it does not mean that everyone would appreciate it:nanner:
Well, as people like foot sex to, urin and that stuff, so does people love hentai - All 3 things, in my head is mental a crazy way to get turned o, but all got there own "turn-on-recipe"
Make an Anime/Hentai/Cartoon thread somewhere (if it doesn't exist yet & if the mods allow it (ask first)(favourite babe forum?!?)). If it really is as popular as you (the original poster) think it is (on this message board), maybe we should reconsider. I however don't think it will be a huge success, and because of that, I don't believe a separate hentai/cartoon section is needed on this board/site.
HAHAHA lmfao :1orglaugh i never got that either, I can understand regular anime but the alien stuff is just 2 weird, I think the dude who wacks to that probably wacks watching startrek on UPN