Angeles National Forest Ablaze - 105,000 Acres +

Yeah I heard it's triple digit temps.Not easy trying to fight hot fires and dry hot conditions.Those folks fighting the blazes are to be commended for their efforts.:thumbsup:


what the fuck you lookin at?
how'd the fire truck go over the edge? I wanna read that story!


goog • "2 firefighters killed Station Fire" • "news"

many options 4 ya

This is all LA needs......More smog ! :ack: :pukey:


what the fuck you lookin at?
goog • "2 firefighters killed Station Fire" • "news"

many options 4 ya

bah, nothing goes into detail explaining what might have happened prior to the truck taking the plunge.


He decided it was too difficult to flood the place, so he set it on fire.

The lord works in obvious ways.
This area has not burned in over 60 yrs... The migration of man has disrupted the natural cycle of the area in preventing the fires and when the area finally did catch fire, you see the very unfortunate results. Hopefully the firefighters can gain the upper hand and prevent anymore losses.
Salute to the firefighters, God bless the ones lost. What a nightmare!

Maybe the rains from Jimena will skirt the coast and offer some relief in a few days.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Fucking California. It was so smokey in Vegas Sunday afternoon that I couldn't even see the damned mountains. Let it burn.
It's hard to feel sorry for people who insist on living in an area that is known to burn to the ground every year.
It's hard to feel sorry for people who insist on living in an area that is known to burn to the ground every year.

So then I guess we shouldn't feel sorry the next time an earthquake flattens the Nimitz freeway, killing Lord knows how many, because the bay area, like so cal, is known for earthquakes, yet people insist on living there?

And apparently you missed post 10....there hasn't been a fire in that sector of the Angeles National Forest for 60 years.


Postal Paranoiac
Ahhhnold is already taking care of the situation. He's throwing ice cubes at the fire sergeant.
Well, with the budget struggles that California recently underwent, I hope there was money in the budget to fight this fire, or should I say fires?

I saw a photo of walls of fire descending upon the freaking Rose Bowl stadium! :eek:

California keeps getting sucker punched in the gut. I don't see how the next Governor (hopefully Gavin Newsom) will not HAVE to overhaul the entire state.