amazon is the shit

they can and will do anything.

it's the present and future of retail and what isaac asimov, jules verne and that 2001 guy would've envisioned if they hadn't.

i ordered the WildFire Ashley Blue's CyberSkin Spread Wide Vagina and Anus but it turns out I wasn't going to be home to sign for the package and the wife would've been.

but the package was already enroute. So I chatted "Chip", an amazon rep from mumbai, and he assured me that the package would be intercepted and would be returned to sender.

Just kidding, it was the Fallout 4 Pip Boy Edition that I didn't want to be charged $119 for. But I just looked up that sex toy and I'll be getting it later.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
I've ordered a lot of sex toys from amazon. And a couple of normal things too. Damn them and their selection of crap!
I am addicted to

You want to see why Cheye-nah are kicking our asses. Just go there.
Until Amazon decide to accept my bloody Australian credit card for music purchases, they can get fucked. :2 cents:
They're all right, I guess. I don't like the fact that I'll wish list something only to have it jump in price weeks later. I'll wish list a book that's less than 1 buck and weeks later it could be even more than 100 bucks.