Never a destroyer of worlds
Bullly Hayes Jul 15, 2010 #1 Never a destroyer of worlds Attachments bridesmaid.JPG 51.1 KB · Views: 359
L LukeEl I am a failure to the Korean side of my family Jul 15, 2010 #3 Fucking sasquatch in bridesmaid dress always makes me laugh, quick someone get the tranq gun.
Neutron66 Jul 15, 2010 #6 Is that Bristol Palin in the wedding dress? Man, her and Levi moved fast!!!
F feller469 Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL. Jul 17, 2010 #9 Chewbacca just said, "Arrrggeeerrrrsssssmmmmmmmm"
M Member442 Jul 18, 2010 #14 Who the hell wears flip flops to a wedding? Everyone on the right of the bride is. That's more frightening than how tall she is.
Who the hell wears flip flops to a wedding? Everyone on the right of the bride is. That's more frightening than how tall she is.
cl0ckw0rkman Jul 18, 2010 #15 bet she could dunk on shaq! and the girl next to her is sporting the 5 head!
Darksquid Jul 18, 2010 #17