Aletta Ocean looks ColOmbian

I'm not sure about the Colombian comparison but she is definitely my favorite European chick and I discovered her earlier this year....

Not only is she gorgeous but she's an incredible performer....(just needs to stop with the anal before she ruins her perfect pucker).

Since You Missed this poll, who would you prefer?


Hiliary 2020
aletta by far, bitonis ok but i liked her better when she was younger.
had an ex gf that aletta reminds me of :

too bad she was so materialistic, or i'd still be with her, dumbass me actually broke up with her for another
glad we agree on something mega, aletta is a beauty.
I never seen aletta until now and she is fucking gorgeous!!!!!


Hiliary 2020
this is what i meant.
this girls got a classic colombian face (and ass).
in medellin, there are hundreds of women like this walking around everywhere you go, so she's nothing special here, just another beauty.
remember colombia ha alot of pure spanish blood people, and spain is in europe.
I sometimes wonder why some become models while others of equal beauty work in stores.
And to me, Aletta Ocean does have a similar look.

another similar, but with a little more native in her blood i believe
cali girl


Hiliary 2020
hell raiser thats probably the only vid of her, search Modelos Cali in youtube for similar.
D its facial features too, not just the hair and the tits.
but you wouldnt know now would you, youve never been here.
Now youve ranked on me several times about colombian chics.
So I'm gonna respond in good humor by saying why dont you go watch your fav fucked out whore(who's so natural btw) priya or go to your local walmart and check out all the 200+ pound heffers walkng around, or should i say waddling around.
we have different tastes in women.
I prefer women that take care of their bodies.

but thanks for spelling colombia right, are you still working out?
^ I did and got a bunch of chics that are modelos cali. I'll try to figure it out later unless someone else does or already knows and says who she is
hell raiser thats probably the only vid of her, search Modelos Cali in youtube for similar.
D its facial features too, not just the hair and the tits.
but you wouldnt know now would you, youve never been here.
Now youve ranked on me several times about colombian chics.
So I'm gonna respond in good humor by saying why dont you go watch your fav fucked out whore(who's so natural btw) priya or go to your local walmart and check out all the 200+ pound heffers walkng around, or should i say waddling around.
we have different tastes in women.
I prefer women that take care of their bodies.

but thanks for spelling colombia right, are you still working out?

Aletta's face looks like it's been altered also, so I don't see the logic of your statements. As for some other person you mention, that's half the reason I don't like her and she hasn't been attractive for years now.

Just because I don't travel the world every other week doesn’t mean I'm stupid or ignorant to the goings on in other parts of it. Colombian people are into cosmetic surgery way too much, past the point of unhealthiness. There is a difference between some minor work and practically making yourself into a cycborg. I find it to be a flaw in their culture that they care about vanity to the level they do where someday slowly it's going to get to the point it really hurts them, even more than it has. I would hate having a daughter there they way it is an how they view women, and that even goes beyond the vanity there.