A Woman with Abs is NOT Fit if......

she looks like a freaking toothpick!!!! I have to rant here. Im seeing so many women in the fitness threads who are deemed fit just because you can see their abs. Well, if they don't have any curves or any muscle they are not fit just because they have abs. Im also tired of models sacrificing curves in order to get lean or get abs. In order to get abs without losing your curves or losing muscle, you need to consistently weight train and feed yourself properly. Im as big of a fitness fan as anybody, and abs on a women are sexy, but not if you have to turn yourself into a concentration camp victim in order to get them. If have to put up with a tiny bit of pudginess on a woman's stomach in order for her to have some curves I will take it. Ofcourse I don't want her to have a pot belly but you don't have to grow a pot belly to maintain curves. Please ladies, if you must have abs, get a personal trainer and start pumping some weights!!!


"In the old days people said that if the women is not fat then she is not femine"

If women are going to get lean I would add that squats, dead lifts, good mornings, and lunges are a good way to keep the backside looking nice. Because women naturally store more fat in that area it's one of the biggest things to go if they lose weight if there isn't good gluts there. I could argue those would help just about any woman that wants a good shape lean or no. Unless they go extremely hard at them it doesn't hurt the way their legs look either. ;)