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A Message To My Fellow Republicans


A Message to my Fellow Republicans
Let's stay out of the way of Hillary Clinton's email fiasco


As the unfolding Clinton email story plays out, I have some simple counsel for my friends in Congress, the conservative movement and right-leaning opinion media: Stop talking unless and until you have a plan. Better to go dark than play this game by the Clinton Rules.

Hillary really put a wrench in the media’s plans this week. After eagerly cheerleading Barack Obama for eight years, they stood ready to help break the ultimate glass ceiling and play their role as part of the uncritical chorus of Hillary Clinton’s coronation, first as the Democratic nominee then as President. It’s why they hate this story. It brings alive the memories of thirty years of the slimy, predatory Clinton enterprise and how its venal, sleazy, one-step-ahead-of-the-law hillbilly hustle stains everything it touches.

Cursed with both arrogance and inertia, the Bill and Hillary machine is stumbling toward political peril as the story of her possibly illegal (and certainly dodgy and ill-advised) use of private email servers consumes a Washington and New York press corps that for once can’t easily look away. The Clintons know we’re only at the end of the beginning of this story and the national security, legal and political implications for Hillary will get worse. The Clintons are depending on their old skills at manipulating the press and hoping the GOP and conservatives will save her by mishandling their response as badly as she’s mishandling hers.

While the media’s passive “attention span” excuse du jour is real, many in the press are possessed of a boundless ideological desire to change the subject right now. That’s why the press is waiting breathlessly for (and in some cases, actively trolling for) Republicans to blow it. An intemperate remark from Congressman Jackass would fit the bill perfectly. Don’t be the squirrel. Don’t give them a shiny object. Don’t give them an excuse to turn this into “Krazee Republicans Sure Hate Hillary Because She’s a Woman.” For God’s sake, candidates, take a deep breath and skip talking about your favorite social issue for just a few days. The media is desperate for another riff on evolution or vaccines or gay marriage or prison sex from a GOP contender so they can turn their undivided attention to the Republicans.

Let’s try something new: maintain message discipline, hold focus and keep an eye on a bigger objective than your daily press release, social media hits or email fundraising drops. This is about her, not us, so unless GOP elected and opinion leaders are smart and subtle, and execute with the right timing and tone, she wins. Try for once to play the long game and help Hillary Clinton take on water.

You can sense the Clintons are on the back foot; her now-infamous tweet and promises of transparency last week were nothing more than rehashed Clinton stalling tactics from the 1990s, when there were only a handful of media outlets and a relatively hermetic press culture. It was as stale as a faxed statement, three days late in the era of always-on social media. That won’t work today, if we’re smart. She’s blowing this; let’s help.

It’s vital to have a plan, to execute it with discipline and proceed against Clinton with a measured pace and tone. Speak more in sorrow than in anger. Don’t make it all about Benghazi (they’re expecting that) or the record-keeping laws (boring). Touch on those selectively, but focus instead on the grave national security risks that her amateur-hour email server shenanigan posed and more broadly what this says about the Clinton culture. Her team can yammer on about the legality of it all, her motivations or the traffic content, but the moment this becomes about the Chinese, Iranians, Russians or even just random hackers reading the email (classified or not) of the Secretary of State, it’s a new ballgame.

I encourage you to use the smarmy D.C. construction of “I just want to work in a bipartisan way for good, transparent government and to protect national security secrets from the Chinese, Russians, and other threats” that the Acela Media claims to worship. Republicans have heard the hard ideologues on the left use it a million times while grinding their teeth in frustration. Avoid making wild claims about either the substance or political outcomes of investigations. Reduce expectations, rather than raise them. Don’t let one single member of Congress or leader be the only face in the room; the Clintons love to demonize a single target, so vary your portfolio. Be persistent. Be serious. Be smart.

Rick Wilson is a national Republican message and media strategist.

A rather revealing article, if you ask me. A Republican asking all the other Republicans to not resort to their usual tactics of hysteria and outrage. Like that's going to happen.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
A republican asking other republicans not to do what exactly what his article is doing. Come on, Mayhem, you know these fuckers can't keep their mouths shut.


A republican asking other republicans not to do what exactly what his article is doing. Come on, Mayhem, you know these fuckers can't keep their mouths shut.

Well yeah. You are failing to detect my finely honed sense of irony. :elaugh:

Will E Worm

Go on, Republicans, keep on focusing on Hillary : you're just paving the way for E. Warren...
This thread and the responses bashing Republicans make me chuckle. The left wing media are going after Hillary on this as much if not more than any Republican. As for paving the way for Warren, it is the left that is trying to do that not the right. A Massachusetts liberal hasn't won the presidency since JFK
And to paraphrase someone else, Warren is no JFK. She appeals to the far left wing faction of the Democratic party. She will never garner the support Obama did. Bring it.
This thread and the responses bashing Republicans make me chuckle. The left wing media are going after Hillary on this as much if not more than any Republican. As for paving the way for Warren, it is the left that is trying to do that not the right. A Massachusetts liberal hasn't won the presidency since JFK
And to paraphrase someone else, Warren is no JFK. She appeals to the far left wing faction of the Democratic party. She will never garner the support Obama did. Bring it.
Before Obama, no democrat from Illinois had won. I did not stopped Obama from winning.

Off course the Right doesn't tries to pave the way for Warren. The Right has been focusing on Hillary for years, they want Hillary to be the democratic candidate. Having to fight Warren would be terrible for them 'cause they have very few arguments to oppose her. For years they've been piling up files about Hillary, if it is Warren who's runs for the Democrats, piling up these would have been a huge waste of time and ressources.
Before Obama, no democrat from Illinois had won. I did not stopped Obama from winning.

Off course the Right doesn't tries to pave the way for Warren. The Right has been focusing on Hillary for years, they want Hillary to be the democratic candidate. Having to fight Warren would be terrible for them 'cause they have very few arguments to oppose her. For years they've been piling up files about Hillary, if it is Warren who's runs for the Democrats, piling up these would have been a huge waste of time and ressources.
Warren is a liberal woman senator from Massachusetts. The Dems had better hope Hillary doesn't get derailed. Totally unelectable. If I were you I would be more worried about Marine le Pen in your own fucked up country which by the way discovered another terror plot by radical Islam yesterday.


This thread and the responses bashing Republicans make me chuckle. The left wing media are going after Hillary on this as much if not more than any Republican. As for paving the way for Warren, it is the left that is trying to do that not the right. A Massachusetts liberal hasn't won the presidency since JFK
And to paraphrase someone else, Warren is no JFK. She appeals to the far left wing faction of the Democratic party. She will never garner the support Obama did. Bring it.

Somewhat contradictory considering this: http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?828036-Interesting-political-dynamic-developing
Warren is a liberal woman senator from Massachusetts. The Dems had better hope Hillary doesn't get derailed. Totally unelectable. If I were you I would be more worried about Marine le Pen in your own fucked up country which by the way discovered another terror plot by radical Islam yesterday.

How does discovering a terror plot make them a "fucked up country"? And what terror plot? Link please. And again: http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?828036-Interesting-political-dynamic-developing
What was the purpose of this thread?
My bad. There were arrests made in connection to the January hostage taking at the kosher store. www.cnn.com

When did I say that terrorism was the only reason that France is fucked up?

As for the reason behind the thread....

Dukakis in a dress or RUN LIZZIE RUN! Please make it so. A one term old female senator with the charisma of laminate flooring from the most liberal of states is a conservatives wet dream.


When did I say that terrorism was the only reason that France is fucked up? .

You didn't but you used phrasing that implied that discoververing a plot by "radical Islam" somehow reinforces their fuckedupness. Just clarifying what you're saying.

Dukakis in a dress or RUN LIZZIE RUN! Please make it so. A one term old female senator with the charisma of laminate flooring from the most liberal of states is a conservatives wet dream.

As you well know, this is exactly what I'm hoping and praying for. And one of the reasons is the condescending attitude that your Party is going to pollute the atmosphere with. If Lizzie runs, she's going to left jab and right hook you guys with facts, facts, facts; and your guy (whoever it is) is going to have no choice but to flail back with rhetoric and cliche'. The swing voters who actually listen to both sides are going to flock overwhelmingly to Warren and she'll win with approximately 310 electoral votes.


When did I say that terrorism was the only reason that France is fucked up? .

You didn't but you used phrasing that implied that discovering a plot by "radical Islam" somehow reinforces their fuckedupness. Just clarifying what you're saying.

Dukakis in a dress or RUN LIZZIE RUN! Please make it so. A one term old female senator with the charisma of laminate flooring from the most liberal of states is a conservatives wet dream.

As you well know, this is exactly what I'm hoping and praying for. And one of the reasons is the condescending attitude that your Party is going to pollute the atmosphere with. If Lizzie runs, she's going to left jab and right hook you guys with facts, facts, facts; and your guy (whoever it is) is going to have no choice but to flail back with rhetoric and cliche'. The swing voters who actually listen to both sides are going to flock overwhelmingly to Warren and she'll win with approximately 310 electoral votes.
God please make it hapoen. The Obama dynamic isn't there. The facts in this race will be who wants to kill terrorists and I can't wait to see the money she is willing to take. That alone will be a thing of beauty. She is an old woman from the most liberal of states and couldn't win election as dog catcher in any state other than a New England or northeast state. Nothing is more delicious than when liberals become overconfident and think America sees things their way. In light of your newfound confidence, perhaps a friendly little wager is in order. Mark this day, you are calling for a 310 electoral Warren victory. She better start talking a lot more about terrorism and less about banking regulations and less pandering to the left wing nuts. Teddy Kennedy in a skirt will never be elected president. Mark it.


You have an interesting way of not paying attention while responding to things you want us to believe you're paying attention too. Since when is my confidence "newfound"? How long have I been saying the exact same thing? I was saying all this months ago.

And I suggest you take another look at your map. Liz would have been a shoe-in in Washington, California, Oregon. I'd also be optimistic about her chances in Maryland, Virginia, the Dakotas, Michigan, Illinois and Ohio. Nevada, Minnesota and West Virginia would also be distinct possibilities. And while the South begs for people like me to make fun of it, not everyone there is completely blind and stupid. She would have made a splash in Tennessee, Kentucky and/or Loiusiana.

Liz talks about banking because that's why she was elected. She's doing the job the voters asked her to do. She isn't getting distracted and she's unconcerned about popularity. It's called strong leadership. The sort of thing the Right used to have a lot to say about until they changed their minds (since your memory has issues I'll remind you, I used to be a far-Right Republican).
I could give 2 shits of your opinion of the south. You are displaying boldness in your prognostication declaring electoral margins that would make Nate Silver envious. Right now, you are hanging your hopes on two women candidates two old ones at that. I like our field of potentials a lot
Far more than last go aroumd
You keep reminding us that you were a right winger. I will have to take your word for it.but as a general rule of thumb people don't sway that far in the other direction liberal or conservative if they had any core beliefs to start with.


Well, you don't get to tell me how much time and energy I've spent on Republican issues and candidates. And considering that you insist on blathering like an idiot, you really don't get to tell me anything. I am NOT hanging any hopes on two women candidates. I have made that clear and you're NOT PAYING ATTENTION. This bullshit accusation has been addressed comprehensively and repeatedly in the past. And you need to cut through your own fog and realize...we don't have TWO women candidates. Or if we do, please name the TWO that you say I'm hanging my hopes on. You like betting so much, I'll bet you that you get both names wrong.

And what is your definition of "prognostication"? You claimed that Warren couldn't win a Senate seat outside the Northeast. I listed a number of states where she either would have won or put up a viable campaign. Where does "prognostication" have anything to do with anything? And the only electoral margin is the 310 remark I made a couple posts ago. I've moved on. For the sake of your blood pressure, I suggest you do the same.
Oh you named a couple of classic liberal western states and the Dakotas which the only way she could win there is to tie her DNA to Geronimo. I'll take a mulligan and guarantee she never wins in Kentucky W. Virginia or Louisiana. Stick to gauging western an northern states and leave the southern states to the professionals. We don't take too kindly to know it all yankees who think knee high black socks and sandals make them chick magnets telling us how to vote. So please tell us former repub brother, how does one go from a limited government pro life, tax cutting right winger to angry far left wing nut in 20 years? Y'all come back now, ya hear!


Oh you named a couple of classic liberal western states and the Dakotas which the only way she could win there is to tie her DNA to Geronimo. I'll take a mulligan and guarantee she never wins in Kentucky W. Virginia or Louisiana.

You said she couldn't win outside the Northeast. I refuted it. And if this is the best response you have, my point has been made.
Stick to gauging western an northern states and leave the southern states to the professionals. We don't take too kindly to know it all yankees who think knee high black socks and sandals make them chick magnets telling us how to vote.

For someone who has accused me of "only wanting to attack people who disagree with me", you're not exactly taking the high road. And this "yankee" has shit between a pair of hiking/combat boots more times than you have.

So please tell us former repub brother, how does one go from a limited government pro life, tax cutting right winger to angry far left wing nut in 20 years?

I can sum in up in three words: George Dubya Bush. Limited government? Shut the fuck up. Just shut up about limited government because no one who aligns with the Republican Party is allowed to say a word about it anymore. We used to go on and on about better funding for the CIA, FBI and Dept. of Defense. 9/11 was supposed to be THE EVENT that finally made us wake up and give these agencies what they deserved. Nooooo. Let's create a whole new bazillion-dollar bureaucracy called the Dept. of Homeland Security and give it its own demon offspring called the TSA. The list of abuses that these two idiotic agencies have promulgated on the American people is without end, while not making any of us one iota safer. Untold billions that have and will go to where they will have no benefit to us, Mr. Limited Government. Remember the soldier who asked Rumsfeld why ground forces in Iraq didn't have better armor for their vehicles? The only honest answer that could have been given was, "We spent that money on an agency that gets to grope your wife at the airport." Limited government. :facepalm: Just shut the fuck up.

Pro-life? Never. I have always been pro-choice, and after spending time with you and the rest of this board, I'm full-blast Pro-Abortion. I wish there was as many abortion clinics as Starbucks. And it should be remembered that while banks were crumbling to the ground and Americans were getting kicked out of their own homes, the Republican Party (our heroes) decided to bend its collective will on....contraception.

Tax-cutting? How do we cut taxes when we have to pay for an agency that gets to grope women at the airport? These things cost money, y'know. It's all about the safety. And after (justifiably) invading a country that has repelled every other invader in history (and still is), no no, let's simultaneously invade another, separate country while we're at it. Because two-front wars always work out. And let's do all this and cut taxes too. Because that makes perfect sense. At least it does if your last name is Bush, Rumsfeld, Cruz, Paul, Bachmann, Santorum, Gingrich or Countach.

Angry? I'm not angry. I'm alternately disappointed and amused. I'm disappointed that my former Party ran as far away from itself as it possibly could have, and I'm amused at how many are too fucking stupid to see it. I'm disappointed that everything I believed in and worked for has become a turd in a punchbowl. I'm amused that the demographic that I worked so hard against has become America's best bet for climbing out of the hole we find ourselves in.
You can't stake claim to former right winger status if you were never pro life, limited government or an advocate for lower taxes. Your I was a right winger until GWB sent me over the edge is purely bullshit. It is a tactic used by left wing nut jobs for as long as message boards have been in existence. You seemed to be confused are you sure you weren't in the Elks Club and merely thought you were in the Army? With right wingers like you who needs liberals?