ac4400cw Jun 7, 2009 #1 :nanner::nanner::nanner: Attachments a mans computer keyboard.jpg 46.4 KB · Views: 323
thebear247 Jun 8, 2009 #3 looks prefect to me but why the music button just the porn button works for me
R Rusty Trombone Jun 8, 2009 #4 That's funny. That would be a good gag for my computer if I ever listened to music.
rabid_2250 Jun 8, 2009 #9 METAL HEAD said: um beer is missing third key Click to expand... There's an option to replace the music button with a beer button
METAL HEAD said: um beer is missing third key Click to expand... There's an option to replace the music button with a beer button
F feller469 Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL. Jun 8, 2009 #10 a beer holder, a tray for the tissue, and slot for the lotion....or that is what a friend told me woud make it perfect
a beer holder, a tray for the tissue, and slot for the lotion....or that is what a friend told me woud make it perfect
afkallthetiem Banned Jun 9, 2009 #12 yo i wonder why its taking so long to create real life sexbots, all you gotta do is stick a pocket pussy on her and program it to get beers from a fridge, boom wife-in-a-box
yo i wonder why its taking so long to create real life sexbots, all you gotta do is stick a pocket pussy on her and program it to get beers from a fridge, boom wife-in-a-box
nightwanker Proud first owner of FreeOnes Playing Cards Jun 9, 2009 #14 Men arer much more complex than that! Where's the 'FOOTBALL' key?! http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?p=278631
Men arer much more complex than that! Where's the 'FOOTBALL' key?! http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?p=278631