7 pro athletes who financially made a mess of themselves

Almost 80 percent of National Football League players are flirting with bankruptcy two years after they retire, according to Sports Illustrated. NBA players aren’t faring much better. 60 percent of former National Basketball Association players end up broke within five years of retirement. Athletes squander millions of dollars due to bad decisions, lavish spending and poor financial planning. Here is a list of athletes that have lost their fortunes through some of the biggest financial blunders of all time.


Read on to find out who the 7 folks are.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Okay, Tyson made his debut in 1986 and filed for bankruptcy in 2003. During this eighteen year span he made approximately 350 million dollars (that's the low end). To blow through all of that, he had to spend roughly 19.4 million dollars a year which equates to $53,000 a day. How in the green hell is that even possible? For fuck's sake, learn how to save your money, man. If you can't live comfortably on $53,000 a day, you have a problem! :2 cents:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
What the fuck does Holyfield need a 54,000 square feet size house for? When that woman who had the Winchester fortune built herself a huge house, we all thought she was insane...
Tyson had a lot stolen by managers, but still....he blew a lot of coin.

At what point does Holyfield say, "You know, a 100 room house is just not big enough. I need one with 111!"
Some people are just not good with money, overly extravagant, unlucky or stupid. I wonder how many of the newer generation of athletes will learn from the past generation? Not much I'd guess.

Some of my sports idols are included amongst the majority of this situation but the guys I followed like say Tim Wallach and Stevie Y, they watched their money wisely. Good on them I knew they had smarts.
Always love the Sprewell storyline! Turning down 21 million, what a joke! Guess his kids eat wagu prime filet and exotic foods 24/7!
I never care, no matter how far some of these athletes fall. Hard to have sympathy for someone who absolutely squanders everything they have.
80 percent of athletes in the nfl and 60 percent in the nba and they chose almost 50 percent whites for their article.


the majority who completely blow their winnings are black
i dont have to point anything out i could just direct in the direction of your nearest ghetto and you will see 30 thousand dollar cars sitting out in front of project houses. no offense but blacks have a problem with money i know because some of my family is black

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
i dont have to point anything out i could just direct in the direction of your nearest ghetto and you will see 30 thousand dollar cars sitting out in front of project houses. no offense but blacks have a problem with money i know because some of my family is black

Hey, the KKK called, and you left your hood in the trailer park...