15 y/o set on fire


Hear that this morning, I also heard thet the kids might be tried as adults and the one who flicked the lighter night be brought upon manslaughter charges.

You should also get to put a bag over the parents head and place a rat in it. Great parenting


what the fuck you lookin at?
Hear that this morning, I also heard thet the kids might be tried as adults and the one who flicked the lighter night be brought upon manslaughter charges.

You should also get to put a bag over the parents head and place a rat in it. Great parenting

They better be tried as adults! All 5 should get the maximum sentence for accessory to attempted murder. With whoever lit the fire getting the most time with an attempted murder charge. Simple as that! I couldn't be on a jury for some shit like this, I'd throw the book at these scum! Fuckin shame they won't go to death row just for attempted.

I'm sure they'll all just get a slap on the wrist.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I'm sure they'll all just get a slap on the wrist.

That's the sad thing. They will probably get probation and a couple hundred hours of community service. As much as I want to see the one who lit the fire and the one who tossed the fluid on him go to jail for a long time, I can't see any lawyer in the world trying to get that done. Their parents will say something like "What our boys did was terrible and wrong, but we believe that they have learnt their lessons. They shouldn't be sent to jail because they are just kids and didn't know better". Which, of course, is a load of bullshit. They may realize that what they did is wrong, but the justice system should damn well make them realize what kind of punishment something like this gets you. Attempted murder is attempted murder, regardless of age or ignorance.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
What the hell is wrong with these kid's. I hope they spend some hard time in prison. Little pieces of shit; all over a bike.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I saw this story earlier and it honestly made me mad. I'm mad for a lot of reasons, but mainly for two things...

1) People actually do this.

Seriously, this kind of shit happens aaaaall the tiiiiime. It's really scary to think about all of the horrific shit that people do to one another, especially when hardly any of these events are anywhere close to being justifiable. It's even more scary to think that KIDS are doing this to one another and, for the most part, it's for reasons that are absolutely juvenile and unexplainable.

Brewer "reported somebody for stealing his dad's bike," the sheriff said. "That's what this comes down to. It's retaliation. They deliberately sought him out, poured alcohol on him and set him on fire. I can tell you there's no way to explain it, no way to rationalize it."

This kid got set on fire because he reported that his dad's bike was stolen. It's not like he raped one of their girlfriends or killed their family dog; he reported his father's stolen bike, so...they SET HIM ON FIRE? Not even the most brilliant of minds can come to a logical explanation as to why something like this would be considered acceptable. I'm not shocked that something like this has happened, because it happens all too often, but I'm deeply sickened that stories like this have actually become commonplace in our society. I'm more surprised when I don't hear a story like this on the news. That's fucking sad.

2) The kids who started the fire were laughing during questioning.

How is this even remotely close to being laughable? They fucking set an innocent kid on fire and had every intention of watching him burn to death. And, they have the fucking nerve to laugh about it? Who the fuck do these assholes think they are? :dunno: The sad thing is...I'm sure that most kids do the same exact thing, which is exactly why I don't trust a fucking soul, no matter how young or innocent they may seem. People are fucking evil creatures and stories like this do nothing more but solidify our legend as a murderous species.



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I'd like to have a serious chat with their parents. How the fuck do you raise kids that turn out like this? Just sick....fucking horrible.
So what if in a final twist the little shit'tards get positive reinforcement for what they did when the victim decides he does not "remember" what happened when questioned. As he was called out for "being a snitch" once, and is too afraid to say so again. That would just top the fuck off of the story.

"Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet." Maybe Agent Smith (The Matrix) had it right.
So many sick fucks in this world. So fucking many. The parents of these little bastards should go to prison as well.


Hiliary 2020
I'd like to have a serious chat with their parents. How the fuck do you raise kids that turn out like this? Just sick....fucking horrible.

Everybodys talking about the parents.
Well most of them probably had no dad around and maybe the mom did the best she could.
Its too easy just to say blame the parents.

I'm gonna include in the blame :
Political correctness.
Hollywood and the mass media (Mtv Etv ect.)
The forever growing stifling of free speech (being afraid to say how you really feel).
The welfare system.( making it too easy for people who aren't capable of raising kids have more and more).
The education system.
And of course good old pure hatred and racism.

yep, I know those played just as big a part in social decay and shit like this as do the parents, after all the parents are just as much a product of these things as the kids are.

Those fucking kids need tried as adults. The parents, well, let them see daily where their blood children had ended up at. Make them see their kids daily.

Beyond that I hope the victim will recover. I know he will.

I did not read it all. I honestly cannot come to read it. It is horrible. Thing is I hope he recovers.

Ugh, I hate this fallen world! Nothing but bullshit!
Well, here in Canada they'd most likely get a slap on the wrist and get sent to a juvenile detention center. You'd probably never know their identities and when they turned 18 their record would be wiped clean. So, it could be worse America.


Closed Account
Wrong influences, wrong music. wrong example set by associates who probably have done time. It reminds me of that film "Alphadog'.
Everybodys talking about the parents.
Well most of them probably had no dad around and maybe the mom did the best she could.
Its too easy just to say blame the parents.

I'm gonna include in the blame :
Political correctness.
Hollywood and the mass media (Mtv Etv ect.)
The forever growing stifling of free speech (being afraid to say how you really feel).
The welfare system.( making it too easy for people who aren't capable of raising kids have more and more).
The education system.
And of course good old pure hatred and racism.

yep, I know those played just as big a part in social decay and shit like this as do the parents, after all the parents are just as much a product of these things as the kids are.


You should also include organized religion, NeoCons and pro-lifers to that list for convincing their ilk not to practice safe sex; thus, causing inept and morally confused parents to give birth to children who are cursed to be raised by shitty parents


Is somewhere outhere.
I'm sure that 15 year old will get his revenge when he's old
enough to buy a gun ;)

But in all seriousness I think they should bring back corporal
punishment because for as long as they get pampered when
they play up.The more they think they can get away with it.


All over a damn bike and $40.00
Apparently 5 of the 4 attackers were 15. There is no way that a sane person of that age is unable to comprehend that behaviour like this is wrong. The age of criminal responsibility should be lowered.