kids a fucking snitch, parents are irresponsible assholes.... nobody wins but the court of law and they can eat a bag of dicks.
America the beautiful..... lol indeed
America the beautiful..... lol indeed
Are you seriously suggesting that marijuana would yield that outcome? Have you ever smoked weed?
kids a fucking snitch, parents are irresponsible assholes.... nobody wins but the court of law and they can eat a bag of dicks.
America the beautiful..... lol indeed
Ok time to step in.
First to anyone who questions if the girl in whimsy's sig is legal, yes she is. So drop questionning him about her age.
Second, Hotmega stop quoting people in order to bait them into flaming. I have enough of it already. Also leave Whimsy alone. I hope made myself clear.
Third and this is valuable to anyone else here, if you can't alongwith someone else then use the ignore function.
thanks for your understanding
Excelsior! Had I ranted like that, I would have been banned. Just sayin'...
i would pay good money to watch some of you fuckers brawl in a ring... in fact i'd film it and put it in my members area. FYI any 'program' that teaches loyalty to law enforcement over family bloodlines is beyond ridiculous. i remember going through the dare program, and smokey the bear, std presentations, and all the anti-gang plays etc in school. its a joke, but at a young age kids are easier to brainwash thats why they start in the 4th grade
kids a fucking snitch, parents are irresponsible assholes.... nobody wins but the court of law and they can eat a bag of dicks.
America the beautiful..... lol indeed
The only ones who win are those law enforcement who benefit from persecuting, harrassing, and locking up people for drug possession.
The losers here are the taxpayers who now have to pay for this brats welfare and the welfare of the parents while in jail and when they're released they're going to have a hard time finding employment since now they have been convicted for marijuana possession and a nifty jail record to go along with that
I actually have a lot of pity for the kid.I'm sure he will in the future regret what he did,probably already does.He has been brainwashed that pot is bad and listened to all the proaganda he was given in school on pot.As he gets older he will see what a joke all that noise was.
It wouldn't happen if certain snot-nosed, dudley do-right little bastards didn't exist...As long as it is illegal you are going to have these stories.
So is jaywalking. Such a heinous crime...really glad they're put there to protect and us.they broke the law. i don't care how small marijuana seems these days, it's still illegal. good for the kid.