Will E Worm
10 Great Comic Book Moments From the 1990s
Here's the thing about cliches: Some have a basis in truth, while others can be diabolically inaccurate; frequently, this occurs at the same time. Take the view of "Comics in the '90s", for example. These days, "'90s" as a comics adjective seems to be used mostly as a short-hand diss, an easy way of taking a swipe at exaggerated art, underwritten characters, or gimmick covers. That's not to say that those things didn't happen. However, it does sell short a, well, DECADE worth of outstanding material. In fact, it only took a few moments for us to recall Ten Great Comics Moments from the '90s.
This doesn't pretend to be an exhaustive list. In fact, we're going to leave it open for a sequel. Maybe a crossover. With variant art depending on which day you click the article. At any rate, throw on "Nevermind" and settle in . . .
10. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
9. Good-bye, Chunky Rice
8. Maus II
7. Marvels and Kingdom Come
6. Image Rises
5. Stormwatch/ The Authority/ Planetary
4. Vertigo
3. Preacher
2. Sin City
1. Hell Boy
Seven superstar artists banding together to form their own company? Insanity! Certainly, this was one the biggest comics news stories of all time. And despite a lot of naysaying and predictions of Image's demise, it has endured.
You can figure out any number of reasons as to why Image has stuck around, such as each founder following his own muse or guys like Jim Valentino recognizing that the company needed to diversify or Todd McFarlane marrying the line to successful toys or Erik Larsen knocking out Savage Dragon with stunning consistency year after year. Of course, all of those things are true. The fact is, Image is still around and still strong because people can still come in and do their own thing. From Robert Kirkman to Dirk Manning, from Nick Spencer to Paul Grist, creators with a unique tale can still go to Image.
Their list seemed one sided and bias.
What are you picks for best 90's comic book moments?