Americans Ordered Out Of Homes At Gunpoint By SWAT teams
Watch as police order people of out their homes at gunpoint, without a warrant, and then search the residences.
All unconstitutional. :nono:
Even without the Constitution this would be wrong.
No one has the...
Great news... :D
This is what everyone should do. Bloomberg's "law" is not constitutional and he doesn't have this type of power.
He's just an old grouch trying to make everyone's lives misrable.
Of course, anti-American, Zionist Ira Silverstein would want to violate out first amendment rights. :facepalm:
People like him need to leave America.
:thefinger Ira Silverstein
:facepalm: The judge doesn't have any right to do this.
This is also the reason why child and young adults are out of control. There isn't any discipline.
Proverbs 13:24 (KJV)
He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.
:facepalm: The ATF needs to go. We do not need them.
Another conspiracy? A complex conspiracy. Only when it is against their despotic agendas.
Look at the jackbooted thugs.