technical difficulty

  1. B

    Unable to comment

    I can't seem to leave comments anymore. I tap on comments and get the dialogue box but no keyboard to type. Always use my phone but it is old now S7. Tried alternating between desktop and mobile styles but can't get it to let me comment. Anyone else have this/know how to fix please? Miss being...
  2. T

    Boobstudyh Internal Server Error

    For the past few weeks whenever I go to sign into Boobstudy I get a 500 Internal Server Error. After some research I realize it's out of my hands due to a problem server side. I'm wondering if any other members of Boobstudy have this probem? For a majority of my subscription this has been a...
  3. gunslingingbird

    Main page not loading

    Every time I try opening a page on the main site, whether it's the main page, a linked name, a link to something on the main site, etc. I get the following message: :confused: :wtf: :helpme: