
  1. Johan

    Men are now optionnal for reproduction It could be a major scientific breathrough. . But, as for genetics, since we're are manipuklating the very basic life material we need to be very carteful about ethics. This kind of great scientific...
  2. Buzzboy

    Should certain men be STERILIZED?

    With every year, overpopulation will take more of our dwindling resources, like fuel, water, food, while causing pollution and environment problems. What could help is we have less babies. Birth control and abortion does help with that but perhaps the next step to that is to have certain men...
  3. Wainkerr99

    No sex please, we're ants.

    I find this interesting, disturbing and wonder why it happened? Amazonian ants. Page last updated at 01:51 GMT, Wednesday, 15 April 2009 02:51 UK Ants inhabit 'world without sex' By Victoria Gill Science reporter, BBC News Mycocepurus...