pedobear was here

  1. amawitapa

    Does this bondage video go a little to far? Watch this trailer, and i'm curious what you guys think. I know Brooke says "That was fun" at the end but it actually was a little frightening for awhile there... What do you guys think?
  2. amawitapa

    Anyone Think This Looks Like Drew Barrymore?

    Am I just blind? I think they look a lil similar... hm... Source:
  3. amawitapa

    Eveyone Who Cares About The Mosque Issue, Watch This' Ted Olson talking on MSNBC
  4. amawitapa

    Two Totally Different Q's (Mosques and Babes)

    Ok. So I have two random questions. The poll is the first question. There have been like 4,000 threads about the N.Y.C. Mosque, and I'm curious how many are on each side. Second question is about this blog It's full of pictures of attractive women (yes...
  5. amawitapa

    Girls Gone Wild: Yea or Nay?

    So I pose the question to thee: Do YOU like Girls Gone Wild? If not Girls Gone Wild, WHAT do you prefer? My feeling is, you don't get stuff like this > or the below image most of the time, but instead a lot of coaxing and maybe a peek...
  6. amawitapa

    Pussy Survey!

    Yo! So I was wondering recently, what kind of pussy do YOU like? Here are some nice examples-
  7. Facial_King

    Right-Wing Christian Group Says Repealing DADT Will Make Military a "Free-Rape Zone"!

    And of course they go on and on about "gay blood" and such. Truly repulsive these folks are: Excerpt: TPM notes that, in a separate bit of right-wing hate mongering, the Family Research Council is warning that repealing DADT “will turn...