operating system

  1. FreeOnes_Adam

    Windows 10 Free Upgrade: Will You be Upgrading?

    Anyone going for it? Free Windows upgrade, what can go wrong, right? What's your plan of strategy here? I think I'm going to wait and see what the feedback is. You? http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-10-upgrade?OCID=win10_null_vanity_win10upgrade
  2. C

    When will Google PC Operating System will be out?

    if you are watching microsoft closely, most of their new products are for business purposes, i think they are focusing on business solutions, this could be their new vision since the competion is very high on consumer products and plus they are already way behind in the market, example cell...
  3. shayd

    Google To Introduce A New Operating System

    Google is planning to roll out a new Operating System dubbed Google Chrome OS. The aim of the project is to develop a Linux-based, lightweight OS that revolves around web based activity and productivity, instead of the traditional desktop environment. Chrome OS will feature the familiar...