liberal lies

  1. Facial_King

    Glenn Beck Absorbed $32 Million Last Year

    Note that I didn't use the word "earned" or even "made" (which tends to imply the same) - I think of Beck much like I do most of those on wingnut welfare, like Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, etc. - like money sponges for gullible, hateful rubes...
  2. Facial_King

    The ACORN "Pimp and Ho" Scandal - 99.79% LIES

    I know there have been other threads about this, but now that both California and NY (Brooklyn) have found Little Boy O'Keefe's trick videography to be a steaming mound of bullshit, and knowing that the Righties who had their little threads about what a big scandal it was (I saw him on FoxNews...
  3. Facial_King

    The Odd World of Right-Wing Rage

    Pretty true:
  4. B

    Is there a God #3

    Here we are again... Since the last thread has veered of topic so severely - so much so that I highly doubt it'll ever get back on track. I thought, instead of starting another flame war between some of the lower life forms in the #2 thread in an attempt to get the thread back on track to the...

    Beck Calls 'Bullcrap' On Palin's Non-Answer About Favorite Founding Father

    When Sarah Palin responded with "All of them" to Glenn Beck's question about who her favorite Founding Father is, it reminded me of Palin saying "All of them" to Katie Couric's infamous question Couric asked Palin what newspapers or magazines does she regularly read :rolleyes: Couric: And...
  6. Hot Mega

    Rush Limbaugh Stands by Haiti Comments

    Continued at link..... Re: Rush's comments....He's politicizing a catastrophic tragedy by accusing a politician for what he believes he will do?:rolleyes: <Where was Rush on Bush's nearly $1 billion to...
  7. S

    Fourth church attacked in Malaysia as Allah row deepens

    protests are okay, attacks are not

    Chris Matthews: What has the Republican Party done for The People... the last 10 or 20 years? Since I don't have cable t.v. I hardly watch Fox News,, Comedy Central, CNN or MSNBC except for the few clips I view on youtube from time to I gotta say this Chris Matthews fella ripped this generic Conservative bimbo a new asshole :glugglug...

    Cancel Christmas. Jesus Christ was born on June 17 Cancel Christmas - Jesus was born June 17, say scientists By Daily Mail Reporter Last updated at 9:57 AM on 09th December 2008 It may not be too late to send the presents back, as...

    The Mystery Of The Pagan Origin Of Christmas: Jesus Was Not Born On December 25...

    ... But A Whole Bunch Of Pagan Gods Were Why is Christmas celebrated on December 25th? Most people assume that it has always...
  11. Facial_King

    Palin Had/Has Problems With "Minority Type(s)" - Left Hawaii College Because of Them

    Apparently, part of the problem is that the Asians and Pacific Islanders common to Hawaii weren't "glamorous": In the words of Palin's own father: “They were a minority type thing and it wasn’t glamorous, so she came home.” :(
  12. Facial_King

    Tea Party Protestors (aka "Teabaggers") Attack Holocaust Survivor Elie Wiesel

    I've already linked to this poster at the recent teabagger event that hints that health care reform (from Dems and/or Obama) will end in piles of corpses like Dachau in 1945. but they're getting even worse now - so much for the...