
  1. GodsEmbryo

    Isreal - Breaking the silence

    Israel will sell itself to the world as a nation of poor Jews who had to suffer so many things in history. And now they have their promessed land they still are provoked and shot by this "evil" Hamas and other "evil Arab scum". On television they will show you how military operations are...
  2. Will E Worm

    Legal framework for a police state

  3. Will E Worm

    Arrested for cheering

    Article Welcome to the facist police state. :hatsoff: We have to stop accepting things like this. If you love freedom that is.
  4. Will E Worm

    China to curb independent viewpoints...

    Article The Communist Party wants to wrest back control over cultural industries that are fueling more independent viewpoints and televisions shows that are overly entertaining. :facepalm: