
  1. Buzzboy

    Name your favorite 'Dude Movie'

    You know what I mean, right?
  2. C

    ID the dude???

    Is there any section here to ask for the ID of dudes? For example, in the Wikinet site (the portuguese-language Encyclopedia Dramatica) there is a category for porn images where the girl was IDed, but the dude(s) weren't...
  3. btepoe1117

    This might sound weird, but who is this guy?

    Let me explain. No, I'm not gay. The reason I want to know the identity of this guy is because I'm actually trying to find the id of a super hot asian girl he fucked, but I don't have the link. So, That's why I posted an id the dude in the id the babe section, because I am actually looking for a...
  4. Wainkerr99

    Dude, there's my car!

    A 1974 Volkswagen van is found after 35 years! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33733171/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts It was about to be shipped to the Netherlands.