
  1. Will E Worm

    Fourth Dead In Three Months

  2. RASQ

    Playboy Model Katie May Dead at 34 After Suffering a Stroke

    Queen of Snapchat Dies The beautiful MsKatie May was taken from us today. I followed her on instagram and snapchat. Recently on snapchat, she was complaining about a severe pain in her neck. She then experienced a catastrophic stroke at the age of 34 from a blood clot in carotid artery...
  3. Will E Worm

    Lisa Mearkle charged with criminal homicide

    Article :party: Now will police start thinking and acting like civil servants?
  4. Will E Worm

    Hugo Chavez Dead?

    Article Is Chavez faking his death?
  5. C

    Zombie Scare in 8th Century Ireland Revealed...

    Crazy Fucking People!
  6. J

    Harry Morgan dead

    The German porn producer Harry S. Morgan (65) died this weekend. Rest in peace Harry. newspaper article)
  7. PretoDragao

    Is Chivalry Dead? (A question for the ladies)

    I'm not talking about knights running around with the handkerchiefs of their ladies'. I'm talking about modern day chivalry. You know, pulling out a woman's chair for her before she sits down, holding open the door for her, putting your coat over the puddle, and things like that. Call me out on...
  8. jothegoon

    is Tony Soprano, DEAD????

    do you think Tony Soprano died at the end of The Soprano's????? i like to think he never died since id like to see a Soprano's movie made but it probably wont happen since he most likely did get whacked at the end of the series! (shame they couldnt show you what really happened eh instead of...