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What is the name of scene from the early 2000s from where a young women with no hair (bald) or very short hair sucks a dildo or gives a blowjob.
I think the women was Pantera or Veronica Vanoza, but I can't find any scenes that look that like that scene from Deluxe pass...
Not sure why I have a thing for women with shaven heads but ever since I saw Veronica Vanoza this way it's been a thing for me. Don't see it often either, as most women aren't able to pull it off. I found my weird taste re-awakened by Charlize Theron in Mad Max too!
Just out of curiosity, how many of you rock bushes, or landing strips, or are completely shaven down there. Respond below in the comments below and I'm curious about how many of you favor pubic hair. If you want to, post photos as well.
Trying to identify the bald porn star in these clips.
Who is she? What other videos is she in?
I don't think this is Katja Love or Isha Paradise.
There is a sexy vid of Bella Donna in which she is wearing a wig while giving a sloppy bj and out of nowhere she takes her wig off and starts rubbing her bald head all over the dudes balls...then it ends up with some amazing sex and anal and a nice cumshot to end it all...
I can't post the link...
Does anyone know if Kanye's chick did porn? I know she was a stripper... i think she is amazing.. but couldn't find any porn links of her. :eek: If you've seen this chick let me know!