OK, so I can admit that her tattoo turned me on. Sure, it might not take much, but still, major woody!
Meanwhile, enjoy this interview we are moving to the FreeOnes blog starring Kerry Louise, the girl with the erection inspiring tattoo.
What made you decide to start doing porn?
I was...
Its Friday! Thank God and not a moment too soon. It also means that its time for another FreeOnes exclusive interview to be moved into the archives because SOME of us (Anders) is too lazy to do it himself.
But don't let him ruin your fun, I try not to. ;)
Here's an interview with cute...
We're going to take you back to 2009. My, I was just a youngin'. Catching fireflys, eating snails, stealing picnic baskets. Ahhh, life.
In April, '09 we interviewed Brenda James.
And now its pic time:
What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen while on the job?
One time I was shooting on a...
This weeks in the archives we´ve arrived at Brandy Taylor!
Originally posted in September 2007.
Read the entire interview here!
What´s the weirdest or funniest thing you experienced?
I am pretty goofy, I think I am sometiems annoying. I may ruin the mood for some guys…. by being silly.