Search results

  1. J

    Stacy Vandenberg

    Re: Adriana Fenice / Stacy Vandenberg great potential - fantastic body and she doesn't seem to have any problem showing her tits. Pity though about the way she is either marketing herself or being directed. There were a couple of picture sets on Nadine's site and now she seems to have signed...
  2. J

    Best Natural Tits / Natural Breasts

    There's a lot of girls around with big tits, but most have a huge gut as well, which I for one don't find particularly attractive. Don't think you can beat Merilyn Sakova for that combination of big breasts with a narrow waist..... One criterion I like is that of a bust measurement TWICE that...
  3. J

    Duana - AKA: Agnetis, Agnetis Miracle, Duana (

    Wow - how big are they? Says somewhere 32KK so that would make them measure 42 inches!
  4. J

    Duana - AKA: Agnetis, Agnetis Miracle, Duana (

    looks like the Dailymotion video has been blocked - any chance of re-posting it on a file sharing site?