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  1. J

    Christy Mack / War Machine story

    Now he's trying to kill himself because he knows he fucked up. Not so fucking tough and macho now that you're in jail huh?
  2. J

    First Recorded Time Majority Of Americans Are Single

    I have been to that hellhole many times.i can promise you that none of those men actually have sex lives, or lives at all. My favorite Red Pill idea is the one about "dread game" aka constantly reminding your girlfriend she is replaceable by doing things like this...
  3. J

    First Recorded Time Majority Of Americans Are Single

    the Red Pill encourages abuse and emotional mistreatment, fyi.
  4. J

    First Recorded Time Majority Of Americans Are Single

    I think it's because people treat each other like total shit in American dating culture. If I was single in the US again, I wouldn't even bother trying to find a guy. I'd rather be alone than deal with the nonsense. Thankfully in Finland it's a lot different.
  5. J

    Please don't vote for me in Miss FO

    Everyone is nominated, no matter what. So, no, there is no conspiracy here.
  6. J

    Please don't vote for me in Miss FO

    No, really. I have had a few people reach out and say they're going to. I want to make it clear that I don't want to be voted for. I'm not all that active anymore, and I think their are other ACTIVE OCSMs who are more deserving of votes in the various categories. I think ACTIVE OCSMs, stars who...
  7. J

    Christy Mack / War Machine story

    Re: dramatic news about christy mack I was beaten for over a year on a daily basis. Nobody deserves this. Nobody "has it coming" just because their boyfriend is an MMA fighter. I hope she can recover and move on with her life.
  8. J

    Webcam / cyber sex - have you ever tried it?

    Never heard of it.
  9. J

    Can we talk about Conchita Wurst's legs for a minute?

    HOW DOES SOMEONE GET LEGS THAT NICE?! Even the one summer where I swam and biked every day, my legs weren't even NEAR that fierce. I am jealous.
  10. J

    Subway Have Removed Ham and Bacon From Their Menus to Appease Muslims!

    SUBWAY IS NOT A RIGHT, YOU DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO EAT AT SUBWAY. THEY ARE A PRIVATELY-RAN, MULTINATIONAL BUSINESS, NOT A GOVERNMENT-RUN BUSINESS. Nobody gets "penalized"! because it's A FUCKING SANDWICH STORE. Would you rather that the government of the UK started mandating that private...
  11. J

    Subway Have Removed Ham and Bacon From Their Menus to Appease Muslims!

    This kind of fear-mongering needs to end. you realize you probably have Muslim fans, right? And yes, my point about Christianity IS relevant. I can name a good chunk of stores, in both Finland and the US, where I can't buy certain things because of Christians not finding it acceptable. Shit...
  12. J

    Subway Have Removed Ham and Bacon From Their Menus to Appease Muslims!

    Typical Daily Mail trying to scare people into hating Muslims. It's seriously one of the most rubbish papers in the whole of Europe. Here's all I'm going to add to this. 1. They're a private company and can sell or not sell whatever the fuck they want, if they think it's good for business. 2...
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    There's a naked picture of me in here....;)

    See? I wasn't lying. As you can probably tell, and as some of you may already know, I'm pregnant! No, it's not a bad thing. My life is stable, and has been since about August. I have a good man and things are okay. buuut I'm still a broke student! as I'm typing this, i've got two videos...
  14. J

    ★Miss FreeOnes 2014 Vote Weights are Announced! Check in to see where your votes stand!★

    Re: ★Miss FreeOnes 2014 Vote Weights are Announced! Check in to see where your votes stand!★ Love this.
  15. J

    any girls here ?

  16. J

    any girls here ?

    I'm a dude
  17. J

    Australian Study proves that Homeopathy is a bunch of hooplah This shouldn't shock anyone. It's just a placebo for people who think all doctors are eeeeeevil.
  18. J

    >>> 2 Brand NEW Categories for Miss FreeOnes 2014!

    I'm not competing this year, but it should be interesting to see how things pan out.
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    I Watched Russian State Television for a Whole Day
  20. J

    Would anyone be interested in buying my panties?

    I was going through my drawer today and realized that I have way too many, and some I've had since I was 18 or 19. Would any of you sick and twisted perverts be interested in getting a pair or two in the mail? I'd have to ask Petra how I could do this with FO credits and stuff, but yeah..who...
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    porn video comments as Valentines Why doesn't Freeones do something like this, only with board posts?
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    Chemtrails : Aluminum & Other Poisons Falling From The Sky

  23. J

    return of the "bush" ruining porn industry!!

    Some of us are too lazy to shave sometimes. The hair fetishests are really well paying customers, too. DON'T TELL ME HOW TO LIVE MY LIFE. *SNAPS*
  24. J

    Does Freeones have any gay members?

    I'll do anything for a pizza.
  25. J

    how does a pussy clean itself off of the cum inside it?

    Why is a teenage boy allowed on Freeones?
  26. J

    Miss Colorado busted for doing a porno

    You're on a porn forum. Please don't say she was "busted". It implies she did something against the law or that she did something morally wrong.
  27. J

    When porn stars gain weight..

    One of the most successful cam girls I've ever known is BBW.
  28. J

    how does a pussy clean itself off of the cum inside it?

    That..that might kill me.
  29. J

    Chemtrails : Aluminum & Other Poisons Falling From The Sky

    Since all you seemto do is post Youtube videos, i found one, too! And this one doesn't have a title in ALL CAPS WITH LOTS OF PUNCTUATION???????!!! .
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    When porn stars gain weight..

    I still think I'm a princess and a star.
  31. J

    Chemtrails : Aluminum & Other Poisons Falling From The Sky

    I dated a black guy for 6 months. One of my best friends from school is from Gambia. What the literal fuck are you even getting at?
  32. J

    how to get a ganbang act

  33. J

    Chemtrails : Aluminum & Other Poisons Falling From The Sky

    Why are conspiracy theorists always such little ragemuffins?
  34. J

    Obama turns on the working man

    I'm against the Keystone XL but RT is a terrible source. Why do people trust Russian state media for unbiased media coverage on internal American affairs?
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    When porn stars gain weight..

    What have I done?
  36. J

    Chemtrails : Aluminum & Other Poisons Falling From The Sky

    Maybe his article about renting planes is also in another language that he doesn't speak, and is afraid a native will show up and tell him his Google-translated facts aren't actually true.
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    I got a new bathing suit

    I'm waiting.
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  39. J

    When porn stars gain weight..

    Miss Does Everything
  40. J

    OCSM of the Week 2014

    I need a new camera that isn't my phone so I can spoil you all with boobs again.
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    I got a new bathing suit

    That was taken right near my front door, which explains the shoe mess. The clothes mess is called I'm lazy with laundry. 55 square meters just isn't big enough for me, it seems.
  42. J

    I got a new bathing suit

    It's probably cooler than yours.
  43. J

    Chemtrails : Aluminum & Other Poisons Falling From The Sky

    I want to rent an airplane.
  44. J

    When porn stars gain weight..

    He's just like "Mom, what the fuck is this?"
  45. J

    When porn stars gain weight..

    you're all wonderful.
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    Hey, OCSMs, let's talk dirty. If you could perform one sexual act on one other OCSM..

    who and what would it be? For me, I don't know what I would be able to choose. I think I would really enjoy going down on Siri, but fingering Harley Spencer just seems like the right thing to do.