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  1. FinePoint

    Long, Pointy Noses

    Tracy Ryan: Very thin nasal opening gives way to a nice slender sharp tip, probably sharp enough to poke my eyeballs out or bore a hole onto my face. Nonetheless, it adds a brilliant contrast to her predominantly soft features. I've had many fantasies of bagging her ever since I learned...
  2. FinePoint

    Long, Pointy Noses

    Tina Blade:
  3. FinePoint


    Pretty self-explanatory. Any gifs or videos people can suggest which showcases this remarkable poetry in motion? I challenge anyone to find something better than this:
  4. FinePoint

    Men manhandling/carrying women

    Any photos or videos where big burly men lift up women above or onto their shoulders or other similar acts which demonstrate their strength and assert their dominance over her? Doesn't have to be in a pornographic capacity, I saw photos depicting this sort of display in comics and bodybuilding...
  5. FinePoint

    Long, Pointy Noses

    Angel Rivas: Some people just recoil at the idea of people fetishising a woman's nose, I suppose it's their loss, to me it can be just as pleasurable to ogle as your tits, ass, legs, eyes, mouth and what have you. Due to its central position on the face, the nose's role is important and...
  6. FinePoint

    Long, Pointy Noses

    Angel Rivas: Some people just recoil at the idea of people fetishising a woman's nose, I suppose it's their loss, to me it can be just as pleasurable to ogle as your tits, ass, legs, eyes, mouth and what have you. Due to its central position on the face, the nose's role is important and...
  7. FinePoint

    Long, Pointy Noses

    Angel Rivas: Some people just recoil at the idea of people fetishising a woman's nose, I suppose it's their loss, to me it can be just as pleasurable to ogle as your tits, ass, legs, eyes, mouth and what have you. Due to its central position on the face, the nose's role is important and...