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  1. C

    Angel Dark

    I can look at this all day:hit: :hit: :hit: EDIT
  2. C

    Lets go to a Strip Club

    Thanks KungFuDude! :wave2:
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    Lets go to a Strip Club

    This is a new thread for those who like to go to Strip Clubs, and have an exotic dancer(s) they what to tell about. Tell your story, if there are any pic's you have or found on the web would be nice too. I have been to a lot of stip clubs over many years, but I'll start with one I went to on...
  4. C

    Carmen Reyes / Iris Santos / Jinger Santos

    Re: Carmen Reyes / Iris Santos As Carmen Reyes or Iris Santos, I'm not going to kick her out of bed for eating crackers :hit: :hit: :hit: