Search results

  1. N

    Swinging and open casual sex - how to start out?

    A lot of people asking where I live - I don't like giving out personal details, but suffice it to say that this city, while definitely metropolitan, was founded by an extremely conservative religious group. Don't bother suggesting an answer - chances are, if you can think of a city that fits...
  2. N

    Obama supports building a mosque at ground zero

    Would people be offended if there was a Shinto shrine built near Pearl Harbor?
  3. N

    Swinging and open casual sex - how to start out?

    Wow people, all I was asking for was advice, and now you're attacking both my girlfriend and my masculinity? Thanks for nothing.
  4. N

    Swinging and open casual sex - how to start out?

    Believe me I've thought of it. ;) I just have zero business sense.
  5. N

    Swinging and open casual sex - how to start out?

    None where I live, sadly - believe me I've searched extensively. If they're here, they're not doing a very good job of advertising.
  6. N

    Swinging and open casual sex - how to start out?

    My girlfriend and I have labeled ours as an open relationship pretty much since we started dating. But it's only open in as far as status, and not actual practice, if you know what I mean - neither of us has actually sought out and taken other partners during this relationship. She's had...
  7. N

    Who here swings?

    I'm very interested in getting into the swinging culture, but I just don't know how to find others. My girlfriend and I have already agreed to an open relationship, and before we became a couple she's admitted to having participated in a much more open sexual lifestyle than we currently have...