Good to hear you're well HB.
I'm great. Me and the Mrs are still very much an item and have set up home together in the West Country. Much better than London. More...wholesome.
Unfortunately doesn't leave me much time for this place. I try to pop in when I can.
Have a great weekend bud.
Didn't know you'd retired old friend.
Anyway hope you're good and are keeping your chin up despite all this Eurozone Crisis they keep harping on about.
Hello Visitor,
Let me be honest, I don't check visitor messages as often as I should.
So, if you'd like a (somewhat) prompt response I suggest you send me a pm.
Be Well,
Welcome to the Freeones evilkiller90.
With regard to that id, I suggest you open a new thread. Easy as pie.
Just go here -
and click the button on the top that says 'New Topic'
Hey mein clansman. Good to hear from you and hope you are well.
I miss this place too old friend and wish I could be here more. As great as country life and married (in all but name) life are, they leave little room for the freeones :(
Recovering from a chest infection at the moment.
"Married" life and country air have indeed been good to me. I am indeed very content. And wish the same for you my friend.
If you haven't already, I suggest you open a New Topic in this section of the forum:
That's the most sure fire way of finding out about "Lila"
Would really appreciate an id.
Why is it that when you get to a certain age, and you're in a relationship, everyone wants to know when the wedding will be? :)
Hey M12!
And don't worry I'm yet to be dragged to the altar.