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  1. Eric Draven

    Things in porn that turn you off INSTANTLY.

    Haven't posted here in a while, but this a good discussion I personally hate the whole guy slappin and chokin a chick (that friggin French or whatever he is guy, I think it's Manuel, I just wanna crack that guys head open, cause of all the chokin and slappin and spittin in chicks mouths)...
  2. Eric Draven

    Chasey Lain

    New Chasey Lain Pics New Chasey Lain Pics She doesnt really look like she use to.
  3. Eric Draven

    Do you change your avatars???

    I like my avatar,but If you go to change It you pick another pick,and then you find a whole bunch of other ones you want to use. I think I'll use mine for a while though.