Re: Michelle Berger: Hot Fitnessbabe and Bikinimodel
hi boys...and girls;)
I wish you all a happy new year!!! Keep cool and look somethimes at me.
Re: Michelle Berger: Hot Fitnessbabe and Bikinimodel
one more pic of my new friend ...she is more than 10 years younger than me...and looks so sweet!;;))
@dd84 Yes my new piercing is now on left side....I lost my piercing on right side;(...and so I need a new one.
Re: Michelle Berger: Hot Fitnessbabe and Bikinimodel
hello boys,
today I will show you my new piercing!!! it is the burner!
And I show you my new girlfriend...she is a beauty;)
Re: Michelle Berger: Hot Fitnessbabe and Bikinimodel
Hello I`m back from my last shootingtrip. I know it was a long time...but now I´m back and have some new pics and vids in my baggage;)
so lets say welcome back with some hot pics...!
Re: Michelle Berger: Hot Fitnessbabe and Bikinimodel
...yes thats my newest gallery...thanks for posting!;)
here some pics from my memberarea I will looking in your eyes!;)
Re: Women with "Perfect" Breasts
michelle berger with perfect breasts...
Re: Michelle Berger: Hot Fitnessbabe and Bikinimodel
hi there... next ask "how long"...3 weeks on a public place with beach , blue wather, sunshine and music;)
...and everybody can look if I have my shooting with new bikinis...maybe you will see me?...*smile