Search results

  1. sporty_carr

    What's the best time to be on the board?

    Anytime mrtrebus isn't on the board.
  2. sporty_carr

    Jersey man arrested for vomiting...

    Is Andronicus a Phillies fan? If it had been the Cubs I would be certain. :dunno:
  3. sporty_carr

    Brit arrested at 'bestiality farm'

    I am still anticipating the return of the Gerbil King. n9xPlmOnLEQ&feature Do I want to? :dunno:
  4. sporty_carr

    Brit arrested at 'bestiality farm'

    It would appear that the Brits are finally learning from us Texans.
  5. sporty_carr

    Tomato Ketchup - Cupboard or Fridge?

    Come to think of it...I don't buy ketchup. I just use whatever is available for french fries when I'm at a restaurant.
  6. sporty_carr

    3-D vs 2-D Movies

    So I guess only 14 year old girls are watching the new 3-D movies? :dunno: Surely there has to be somebody on this forum that likes 3-D. Don't be afraid, we won't stone you.....much.
  7. sporty_carr

    Texas brings the pain!

    :rofl: What's scary about this is I think you're serious! Yeah man, I've known a lot of students get paddled to death over the years. :1orglaugh Yeah, not everyone is going to be behaved....but I'm talking about ENTIRE CLASSES. Not just an individual student. We are currently raising a society...
  8. sporty_carr

    When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OCSM ?

    You ride the short bus to school too?!? I'm in love. :lovecoupl No, it's nothing THAT bad. She confided in me that in her spare time she likes to add to her "collection" in the basement. I like to "collect" as well. So far I'm at 21 and counting. Again.....:lovecoupl
  9. sporty_carr

    Cat Finds Way Home From Chicago

    :1orglaugh Whimsy should put that back in his sig. That was one of the cutest kittens ever.
  10. sporty_carr

    ★★ MissFreeOnes Party pics are here! ★★

    So I guess Roald never refereed The Oil Pit-O-Doom. :(
  11. sporty_carr

    A five-year-old's battle with obesity, what the motherfuck?

    This goes along with the Texas Brings The Pain thread. Just more examples of how parents don't discipline their children. Instead of telling the child no and listening to them whine awhile (or spanking them *ahem!*), let's just pump them full of the food they want so they'll shut up.
  12. sporty_carr

    Texas brings the pain!

    It works a lot better than hostage negotiations. :thumbsup:
  13. sporty_carr

    Texas brings the pain!

    Ah yes.....somebody else who speaks from zero experience. Again, I would like to have seen you try to get the students I've substituted for in line. "Now class, please just listen for a second.....class?!?" I would point and laugh at you. Point.And.Laugh.
  14. sporty_carr

    Texas brings the pain!

    You have obviously never substituted a class of disrespectful elementary students. It's hard to teach a class full of students when they are up running around the classroom screaming at eachother and not paying attention to the teacher. So please explain to me after writing their name on the...
  15. sporty_carr

    When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OCSM ?

    .....and all this time I just thought you were dyslexic. :dunno:
  16. sporty_carr

    Thanks for the rep. :hatsoff:

    Thanks for the rep. :hatsoff:
  17. sporty_carr

    Advice needed on a purchase...

    I don't really see it as that risque. It's a classy nude.....she's not getting f*cked in a gangbang. :dunno:
  18. sporty_carr

    Advice needed on a purchase...

    It's pretty nice. If you have the money to spare then go for it.
  19. sporty_carr

    When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OCSM ?

    Re: When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OSCM ? You two DO know that she requires you to shower? I'm sorry, but I just wouldn't be capable of being held accountable for such high standards.
  20. sporty_carr

    Andronicus Ry vs ~~whimsy~~

    She's French? :confused:
  21. sporty_carr

    Type O Negative's Peter Steele DEAD at 48.

    R.I.P. Peter I used to listen to these guys quite a bit in high school. Yesterday my local radio station played four songs in tribute: Black No.1 , Love You To Death, Everything Dies and a newer fourth song I'm not familiar with. I always liked that they had a pretty good sense of humor. I used...
  22. sporty_carr

    "Clash of the Titans" Boom or Bust?

  23. sporty_carr

    3-D vs 2-D Movies

    Do you guys like the recent trend of Avatar, Alice in Wonderland, and Clash of The Titans all being shown in 3-D? I'm sure Hollywood has tons more in the works. I went and saw Clash of The Titans last night, but chose to watch it in 2-D. I think a movie should be judged on whether or not it's...
  24. sporty_carr

    "Clash of the Titans" Boom or Bust?

    Who else has seen it? I watched it last night and was expecting it to be crap. My assumption was correct. The story seemed choppy and it was hard to feel sympathetic towards any of the characters. I thought, as always, the idea of just trying to sell the movie on the idea of cramming as much...
  25. sporty_carr

    When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OCSM ?

    Re: When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OSCM ? Poor guy in Minnesota is gonna be like wtf? A jar of mayo from a sporty_carr to a SpexyAshleigh?!?!
  26. sporty_carr

    When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OCSM ?

    Re: When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OSCM ? Oh, I just won't be mine. :D
  27. sporty_carr

    When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OCSM ?

    Re: When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OSCM ? I will buy you a jar of mayo.....because I'm a dick like that. :)
  28. sporty_carr

    Ask me (mrtrebus) any question ya want

    I think MissHybrid has the hots for you. Would you allow her to use a strap-on on you if she so desired?
  29. sporty_carr

    When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OCSM ?

    Re: When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OSCM ? It's actually number 6 on the list: World's Unnecessary Evils 1. McCaulay Culkin 2. Andronicus Ry 3. Elmo 4. Belly Button Lint 5. Toothpaste 6. Mayo
  30. sporty_carr

    :1orglaugh Taser Me Elmo I'd rep you again for that if I could.

    :1orglaugh Taser Me Elmo I'd rep you again for that if I could.
  31. sporty_carr

    What would YOU do with this big tit (.)(.)babe?

    Get her to clean my house. I've been looking around here today and it looks like shit. I really should stop spending so much time on freeones.
  32. sporty_carr

    Grover vs Elmo

    It appears that one of our participants has dropped out of the contest:
  33. sporty_carr

    I am new here!

    Well, most of the girls come to my house (clothing optional) and post their pics on my wall. I will PM you my address so you don't get lost.
  34. sporty_carr

    When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OCSM ?

    Re: When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OSCM ? WTF is an e-fuck buddy? Is that where you guys type back and forth, "oh, like it there don't you ya dirty bitch?!?.....yeah, shove that thumb up my ass.".........? What's so great about that? I do that with whimsy all the time...
  35. sporty_carr

    When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OCSM ?

    Re: When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OSCM ? Do you like to dip your bacon in mayonnaise mixed with tuna fish? :yummie:
  36. sporty_carr

    Larry King's 8 Wives

    What? Did Tiger sleep with them too?
  37. sporty_carr

    Roronoa3000 vs. DJCowboy (for fun)

    Whimsy!!!!! Oh, sorry.....wrong thread.
  38. sporty_carr

    Do any other Freeones members know what you look like?

    Big Brother is watching. SHHHHH!!!! They'll hear you type. Actually, quite a few more than that. I'm a board whore. :(
  39. sporty_carr

    Grover vs Elmo

    He prefers them to be called "puppet people." They do, after all, have feelings too.
  40. sporty_carr

    The Miss Blue Countach contest has started ! Vote here!

    So what you said about being just like Hitler is true? Do you even have one of those little mustaches? That's so hot! :banana:
  41. sporty_carr

    When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OCSM ?

    Re: When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OSCM ? Shower?!?!........fuck. :shy:
  42. sporty_carr

    Is it ok to hit a woman

    I pick blue then. No....wait!! Green.....I pick green. What do I win?
  43. sporty_carr

    When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OCSM ?

    Re: When is Spexy Ashleigh finally going OSCM ? So what you're saying is I have a chance?!? YES!!!!!!!!!! :nanner:
  44. sporty_carr

    I am new here!

    Hello Loona! I am not new here! How are you doing? This is me: My place or yours?
  45. sporty_carr

    Is it ok to hit a woman

    Is this a trick question?
  46. sporty_carr

    Grover vs Elmo

    Does anybody remember the days of Sesame Street when Grover was a main character and not that Elmo bitch? I do....and I for one think Grover is a pimp. He would own that little Elmo bitch in a street fight. Fuck you Elmo.
  47. sporty_carr

    Aurora Snow - Dead (in a dream I had)

    Re: Aurora Snow - Dead Do you find that when you wake up from these dreams that you're lying naked in the woods?