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  1. Luckycharmz69

    Shaved or natural??

    Give 'em points for originality!
  2. Luckycharmz69


    I think it would be the penguin's only hope!
  3. Luckycharmz69

    Beer goggles.

    That is what we all fear the next morning after..... The only thing wore would to see a penis coming out from between "her" legs.
  4. Luckycharmz69


    Now that's funny!
  5. Luckycharmz69

    The Perfect Couple

    Oldie but a goodie
  6. Luckycharmz69

    Ghetto vehicles

    You would definately get attention, that's for sure!
  7. Luckycharmz69

    Watch out for Santa!!!

    Who wants to sit on Santa's Lap?
  8. Luckycharmz69


    The magic of Photoshop!
  9. Luckycharmz69

    washing windows

    I think that is a service we would all like to employ!
  10. Luckycharmz69

    Pizza here

    You beat me to it..... Looks like she ordered her pizza with Extra sausage!:nanner:
  11. Luckycharmz69


    Still would like to sample the wares.......
  12. Luckycharmz69


    Brings new meaning to the term "meat market"
  13. Luckycharmz69

    Xxx Cd

    I think she should do something like this - Think of how much this would boost her sales with the male demographic!
  14. Luckycharmz69

    Female or Shemale

    12/16 - coulda been worse! Good thing we are testing now, instead of closing time at the bar!
  15. Luckycharmz69

    Japan's military

    Yeah, right in the Barbie Aisle!
  16. Luckycharmz69

    Hello Vader

    So what color is his light saber?
  17. Luckycharmz69

    GROSS!!!...but, damn funny!

    We're not laughing at you - Wait a minute, yes we are! Sorry darlin' that is funny - Messy, But funny!
  18. Luckycharmz69

    Boo !!

    Ok, Now that is funny - I got some ideas out of that!
  19. Luckycharmz69

    His Full Head Up Her Bucket

    Dude - that is just hideous! :eek:
  20. Luckycharmz69


    Magic Pussy - Mice Beware!
  21. Luckycharmz69

    Look Behind You

    He is probably thinking that she would never do something like that - that sort of thing only happens in the movies!
  22. Luckycharmz69


    Mmmmmm - Weenie Roast!
  23. Luckycharmz69

    Kermit watches 2Girls1Cup

    That is Phucking Phunny!
  24. Luckycharmz69

    Extreme Nude Gymnastics! Masturbation in gymnastic positions!

    Agreed - should be in a different category
  25. Luckycharmz69


    Mmmmmm......... Steak
  26. Luckycharmz69

    Hand washing with pleasure

    Do they install these in homes?
  27. Luckycharmz69


  28. Luckycharmz69

    Improving humanity one rule at a time.

    This has been circulating the internet as George Carlin's Pet Peeves for 2007
  29. Luckycharmz69

    Nasty idea.

    Part of a complete breakfast!
  30. Luckycharmz69


    they should use that in a commercial in the US!
  31. Luckycharmz69

    Currious Old Man

    Cant blame him, how often have you seen an attractive backside, and wanted to see the front?
  32. Luckycharmz69

    A Real Moron

    Nah - Don't tell him The gene pool needs a little thinning out But - in his defense - he is wearing safety glasses - so when he gets electrocuted, his eyes will be protected!
  33. Luckycharmz69

    Great Use Of Color Copiers

    Imagine that in a TV Commercial? Think of the Sales!
  34. Luckycharmz69

    Brown eye, brown feet

    I think I see a pattern here!
  35. Luckycharmz69

    Blow Up Doll And Twin

    Nice :rofl:
  36. Luckycharmz69

    These Tits Are Almost a Joke - Myspace Whore of the Day

    I must agree - I am tired of that line...... "stop looking at my chest, my eyes are up here....." - Well, pookums, stop displaying them like business cards. I realize bigger tits are harder to hide, but when they are on display like that - The tits are talking to me, saying "LOOK AT ME...
  37. Luckycharmz69

    One Bad Illustration

    Apparently, this is a bigger problem than we realize!
  38. Luckycharmz69

    South Park

    Funny! :thumbsup:
  39. Luckycharmz69

    Old moms

  40. Luckycharmz69

    Smallest Bikinis Ever ?

    Love to visit that beach
  41. Luckycharmz69

    Don't smoke crack.

    Dude - sick!
  42. Luckycharmz69

    The light

    That was a de-LIGHT-ful post!
  43. Luckycharmz69

    Mommy - Thong Peaking Out

    Wouldn't she have a wicked draft?
  44. Luckycharmz69

    Chick masturbates using door...

    I agree - she is making it much more difficult than it needs to be!
  45. Luckycharmz69

    Free Sex Change

    Steve-O tried to this on Jack Ass or Wild Boys (I cant remember which - but aren't they almost the same?) with a Whale Shark Funny
  46. Luckycharmz69

    Fergie / Stacy Ferguson

    I think we are all of the mind we would do her, but she certainly is not our 1st, 2nd, or 101st choice!