Playing WoW atm. I started a character on Final Fantasy XIV but I havent played much on it. Got little over 2 weeks till Fallout New Vegas comes out (Im taking vacation when it does lol).
The worst guide I have is the one for Final Fantasy 9. It was made to tie into Square's playonline site and it didn't have much of the hidden content in it.
When ever you want. You go to the Scrapyard which is near Agtha's house if I remember right. He will be fighting 3 raiders alone. So you help him and talk to him and he joins up.
He is a follower you can get with you have neutral karma. The guy you buy him from usually wanders around that roboco building by Tenpenny Tower. He is a unique Mr. Gutsy. He says some pretty funny stuff in combat. He is really tough and comes with a plasma rifle and flamethrower.
You know if you have Sargent RL-3 and you tell him to start the purifier in the base game, He will tell you to get off your ass and finish what your daddy started.